Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

The fight for freedom must go on until it is won; until our country is free and happy and peaceful as part of the community of man, we cannot rest.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

The true facts are not always obvious. They often have to be looked for.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

We all belong to South Africa, and South Africa belongs to us all.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

The land on which the cattle grazed was communal property. It was owned by no one. It was nobody's private farm. It was the common property of the people, shared by the people. So the practice of sharing was central to the concept of ownership of property.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

We had to forge an alliance of strength based not on colour but on commitment to the total abolition of apartheid and oppression; we would seek allies, of whatever colour, as long as they were totally agreed on our liberation aims.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

Our target is not negotiations, it is the end of the apartheid system. There can be no compromise about that.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

We seek to create a united Democratic and non-racial society.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

We have a vision of South Africa in which black and white shall live and work together as equals in conditions of peace and prosperity.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

Using the power you derive from the discovery of the truth about racism in South Africa, you will help us to remake our part of the world into a corner of the globe on which all - of which all of humanity can be proud.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

In South Africa, I feel I am a stranger, at best an animal.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

Mandela drafted the M Plan, a simple, commonsense plan for organization on a street basis so that Congress volunteers would be in daily touch with the people, alert to their needs and able to mobilize them.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

Responsibility for the proper conduct of children was not confined to their parents only. When they misbehaved, they misbehaved against the community. And a senior member of the community was expected to do something about it.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

You were not wanted. You were, at best, tolerated. You had to be constantly on your guard, like an animal in a jungle full of beasts of prey. You experienced it all within the short distance of five miles from the gates of St. Peter's to Park Station in the city.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

We have got to move away from the concept of race and color because that is what apartheid is. We cannot end apartheid if we retain these concepts.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

I would not hesitate to vote for a white person as president if I thought he was the best person for the job.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

Whites, like ourselves, belong to our country. They are compatriots, fellow citizens... we see them as Africans.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

My sister had some ailment and convulsions that she suffered from, and she had been sent to some place to go and get healed there. She was brought back and prayed for by those people. She recovered; in fact, she grew to be an evangelist in her own right, healing people and traveling around.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

The popularity of leaders like Mandela was an invitation to counter-attack by the government. Mandela was banned from speaking, from attending gatherings, from leaving Johannesburg, from belonging to any organization.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

The struggle to conquer oppression in our country is the weaker for the traditionalist, conservative, and primitive restraints imposed on women by man-dominated structures within our movement, as also because of equally traditionalist attitudes of surrender and submission on the part of women.

Oliver Tambo
Oliver Tambo

The sanctions will not kill us. It's apartheid that's killing us.