Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

I'd give Him some room. I'd be like, 'Thanks for keeping me around a little bit longer. I owe You a lot.'

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

Obviously, the World War II guys, that's where we, we learned everything from those guys. And then we hopefully, what we learned, we pass down to the newer generation.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

I can't wait to get back to the ranch and go back to easy living.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

When I came into the Perry family, it was just kind of one of those deals where they were the only family I had.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

If I had to say something to Americans, being afraid and having fear, it's okay to be fearful because that will make you strong; being afraid will shut you down.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

What comes through my head is going to come out of my mouth.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

Every situation I have ever been in I have been trained for, and I dealt with it to the best of my abilities.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

I got my service dog when I was medically retired out of the military, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I wish every medically retired serviceman could have a service dog. He's amazing. He's my best bud. I go everywhere and anywhere with him.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

I promise you, every insurgent, freedom fighter, and stray gunman in Iraq who we arrested knew the ropes, knew that the way out was to announce he had been tortured by the Americans, ill treated, or prevented from reading the Koran or eating his breakfast or watching the television.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

What the SEAL teams do, what our training does, is it chips away the outer that layer and shows you what you're capable of and not capable of.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

In real life, it's war, and war's not entertainment. War is 'old men lying and young men dying' kind of deal. That's a saying; I didn't make that up.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

You have to realize, in real life, the gun battle lasted for over three hours, and the movie's only two hours long. My hat's off to all those stuntmen who laid it on the line and hurt themselves doing what they had to do to get that done because in real life, we all died, and the only reason I'm sitting here is because of modern medicine.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

I'm basically all titanium.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

People always ask me, 'I don't know how you could watch that, how that affects you,' and I just tell them, 'I went through it in real life, so it's like pilots watching a 'Top Gun' movie or cyclists watching a bicycle movie,' something like that.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

This entire business of modern war crimes, as identified by the liberal wings of politics and the media, began in Iraq and has been running downhill ever since.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

I guess we'd better start getting used to the consequences and permit the American liberals to squeak and squeal us to ultimate defeat.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

It's not secret that usually I don't have a filter.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

It's not a straight line to do anything breaking the law. Because if it is, basically you're saying if I cop to having PTSD, I can go out and slap somebody around all I want, and when the cops show up, I can claim I am a veteran, and I got PTSD - that's not how that works.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

When you start messing with the Constitution and what this country was founded on - our baseline is what we call it - it just opens up too many doors.

Marcus Luttrell
Marcus Luttrell

It's got to be both houses and the people coming together in unanimous decision when you start messing with the Constitution.