Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

Lucy McClane: Dad! Stop it! I mean it!
Jim: Dad? You said your dad was dead!
John McClane: What? You told this jerk-off I was dead? You actually said that?
Lucy McClane: I may have exaggerated a little bit.

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

John McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Matt Farrell: [shrugs] What was I going to do?
John McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
Matt Farrell: [smiles] Yeah.

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

The Warlock: What, like, you a big fan of the Fett?
John McClane: [standing next to a stand-up cardboard cut-out of Boba Fett] No. I was always more of a Star Wars guy.

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

[from trailer]
The Warlock: [to Matt] Why did you bring a cop to my command center?
John McClane: [laughs] Command center? It's a basement.
The Warlock: [angrily] Who is this man?

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

[recognizing female terrorist's voice over the police radio]
Matt Farrell: That's her!
John McClane: "Her" who?
Agent Johnson: What're you talking about?
Matt Farrell: It's them.
John McClane: Are you saying it's "them" them?
Matt Farrell: I *swear* to

you, I know her! I would know her voice anywhere!
[McClane picks up handset]
Matt Farrell: Don't say anything! Don't...
John McClane: Just keep your mouth shut for a minute.
[to terrorists over radio]
John McClane: Hey, Metro, how's your day goin' over there? Yeah, you gotta be pretty, uh, crazy over there, what

with all those 5-87's, huh?
Mai Lihn: Yes, sir, we've had to dispatch all units.
John McClane: Yeah, you had to dispatch all units for all the naked people walkin' around?

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

[last lines]
Lucy McClane: [referring to Farrell] So, um, did he say anything about me?
John McClane: Jesus, Lucy.
Lucy McClane: What? I-I'm so- I'm sorry. I'm just asking.
John McClane: I'm in enough pain already.
[to medic]
John McClane: Hospital.

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

Thomas Gabriel: You're very impressed with yourself, aren't you?
John McClane: I have my moments.

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

John McClane: [pissed off] All you gotta do is go pick up a kid down in New Jersey, and drive him down to D.C. How hard can that be, huh? Can't be that hard, no, can it? No, gotta be a senior detective. A thing like a traffic jam, throwing a car at me's gonna stop me?

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

John McClane: [acrobatic mercenaries attack John and Matt] Jesus, is the circus in town?

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

Matt Farrell: Seriously, uh, you probably shouldn't antagonize them, since they have all the loaded guns, and whatnot.
Lucy McClane: Listen, will you just take a minute and dig deep for a bigger set of balls, 'cause you're gonna need 'em before we're through

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

[from the unrated version]
Matt Farrell: You just killed a helicopter with a car!
John McClane: Hundreds of thousands of people get killed by cars every year. That's just like four more.

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

Matt Farrell: [to McClane] If that guy knew half the shit that I know, his fuzzy little head would explode.

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

Lucy McClane: Who are you?
Matt Farrell: Matt Farrell.
Lucy McClane: Lucy McClane.
Matt Farrell: I thought your name was Gennero. Lucy Gennero?
Lucy McClane: Not today.

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

Slacker Kid: Hey, Farrell. Sully just P.D.L.'d a new copy of the, uh, Kill Zone 9, the one that ain't out yet. You wanna come check it out?
Matt Farrell: No, thanks though, man. And good luck at the bad timing awards.

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

Matt Farrell: When was the last time you remember turning on the radio and listening to popular music? Or, just give me a decade. The 70's? I'm guessing - was, was Michael Jackson still black? Pearl Jam - I'll go back ten years with you. Ten years - 20 years, The Cure? Nothing?

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

John McClane: [Matt's showing interest in Lucy] After all we've been through, I'd *hate* to have to beat you to death.

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

John McClane: [in unrated version] Yippie-kai-yay, motherfucker!

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

Matt Farrell: Do we have anything, like, resembling a plan, or anything?
John McClane: Find Lucy, kill everybody else.
Matt Farrell: I mean, more like a plan, like, a way to do that.

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

[from trailer]
Matt Farrell: Shouldn't we call for backup or something?
John McClane: Makes too much sense.

Live Free or Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard

[Matt is cringing while listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival on the radio]
John McClane: You don't like Creedence?
Matt Farrell: This is like having a pine cone shoved in my ass.
[John turns the volume up louder]