Layla Moran
Layla Moran

From a young age, pupils are put under immense amounts of pressure in high-stakes exams. Often, they're made to feel like their whole future depends on how they perform in these narrowly focussed tests.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

By allowing many adult learners to retrain and upskill throughout their careers, colleges provide expertise for key sectors.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

The one thing that robots really find difficult to do is to look someone in the eye and have a sense of how they're feeling. We should be teaching that in schools.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

The creative industries, a source of optimism in recent years owing to, among other things, a resurgence on the world stage of British music, have come out foursquare against Brexit.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

I think we need to make access to mental health services a priority in the obesity strategy, too.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

The war against sexism is portrayed increasingly a battle long ago won. To which my response is, 'if only'.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

Michael Gove was one of the worst things to ever happen to the education system in this country. David Cameron is the worst Prime Minister this country has ever had.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

It is not at all antisemitic to describe a state as racist.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

The actual teaching itself becomes lost in a sea of paperwork and teachers soon realise that the very reason they entered this profession constitutes only a fraction of their working day.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

We need a completely different type of economy - one which is truly green, sustainable, and embeds the biggest issues of the day into its heart.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

By refusing to give 16- and 17-year olds the vote, the Conservative Government are risking worsening voter apathy and being on the wrong side of history.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

Climate change poses a serious threat to global prosperity, security and wellbeing.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

When you've got society calling you a burden and talking about how much money you're costing the state, it's bound to impact negatively on your mental health.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

Outside the EU, studying abroad will become the reserve of the wealthy. Inside the EU, it's an opportunity available to almost everyone.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

Protesting is a fundamental aspect of our democracy, and I will always encourage this course of action, but it can be intimidating.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

At school I hated swimming and felt bigger and more self-conscious than all the other girls - and I would go to summer sports camps to desperately try to change my shape so that it couldn't be one of the taunts aimed at me by bullies.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

Finding your feet in a new country provides an enormous boost to your confidence and independence.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

There is no single cause of homelessness, and vulnerable people, those with mental health problems and addictions for example, need support not punishment.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

I became an MP in 2017 and have been around to watch Liberal Democrat party membership soar.

Layla Moran
Layla Moran

Calling out antisemitism doesn't make me any less Palestinian.