Laurie Simmons
Laurie Simmons

I thought my father was biggest, tallest, smartest, handsomest man in the world, so if he was telling me something, I was taking it really seriously.

Laurie Simmons
Laurie Simmons

I was always very proud of myself that I could wrest emotion from a doll or a puppet. It never occurred to me that I could find real emotion in a person.

Laurie Simmons
Laurie Simmons

From the time I started taking photographs, I started working with plastics. I've always treated plastic like it was marble or gemstone or fine glass. I've always gotten the most out of it. I love it!

Laurie Simmons
Laurie Simmons

I'm way more influenced by my children than I was by my parents.

Laurie Simmons
Laurie Simmons

There's part of our culture where uniqueness is celebrated and appreciated and another part of our culture where this one way to be - one color hair, one sized breasts, one kind of nose - that's also front and center.

Laurie Simmons
Laurie Simmons

My subject has always been women. And I don't want to sound, like, preposterously idealistic, but I would like, in my lifetime, to experience a world where women, all kind of women, can connect and support each other.

Laurie Simmons
Laurie Simmons

Your ringtone is so personal to you, but the fact is millions of other people have your ringtone. I really love that connection, and call me crazy, but I find the iPhone ringtones super melodic and very danceable.

Laurie Simmons
Laurie Simmons

I think the art world is one of the last bastions of this kind of sexism where there is a mythology about a woman not being able to be both and artist and a mother: that some very important creative crystal inside a woman would be shattered by the idea of having a child.

Laurie Simmons
Laurie Simmons

I think, with my own daughters, rather than preaching a feminine agenda, I just really try to help them understand what it meant to be a woman in the late 20th century and the consciousness of how to be a woman in the 21st century: What is working for you and what is working against you.