Justin Theroux
Justin Theroux

Some of the best movie experiences I've had are when I just walked by the theater and decided to see a movie I hadn't heard anything about and bought a ticket, because that's really the first time you can experience it untainted.

Justin Theroux
Justin Theroux

I've always just considered myself a New Yorker, you know.

Justin Theroux
Justin Theroux

In a weird way, fashion, which is frivolous to the core, shouldn't be taken seriously, but thank God people do: it makes for great people-watching.

Justin Theroux
Justin Theroux

I had this chronic hyperactivity and an inability to focus, so I was forever being moved to another class, with a much smaller group of children - some of them about 18. If I was asked to read a paragraph, this white wall would go up in my head. Still now, I read very slowly and can rarely work out a tip.

Justin Theroux
Justin Theroux

I was not a great reader. I don't know how to put it any other way.

Justin Theroux
Justin Theroux

I read a lot for me. But I'm not one of those people who gets 'The New York Times' book review and runs out and buys 10 books and is done with them and passing them out to friends, you know, two weeks later.

Justin Theroux
Justin Theroux

If you're satirizing something, you're hitting at something that's real and true, and putting it on its head, and we did that with 'Tropic Thunder.'