Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

We need to transform our military forces by focusing on force posture, not force structure.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

Instead of measuring military readiness in terms of overall size and numbers, we must focus on metrics of capability, particularly in technology, and positioning.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

Our country desperately needs a president with a depth of global experience and an understanding of all the elements of our nation's power, from our economy and our diplomacy to the power of our ideals and our military, including its limitations.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

On the aircraft carrier under my command, where the average age of sailors was 19 and a half, you could see accountability in action at all times. You especially saw it when an order was given that a plane about to launch suddenly must be switched out for another and kept on board.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

If elected president, it will be my solemn duty to always hold myself accountable to the American people. They deserve nothing less.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

When all Americans believe that the people we elect deserve to be in power, that their conduct in office is worthy of respect, and that they can be held accountable for their decisions, our politics will finally be worthy of our great people.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

A President can obstruct justice and Congress has the full right to hold a President accountable for such law-breaking through impeachment. After a President leaves office, I believe they may be held accountable through the courts as well.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

Executive privilege is nowhere to be found in the Constitution, and thus is a very limited principle.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

Having served in the military, I know that militaries can stop a problem, but they can't fix a problem.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

We must work hard to ensure that Social Security remains solvent for future generations.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

I favor every worker having access to a retirement savings account, and there are various options for doing this. I do support states implementing their own plans, and I expect them to play an important role in increasing retirement savings for young professionals especially.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

Trump is not the problem. He is the symptom of the problem where Americans no longer believe that the system works for them.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

Look, I went to war, and we knew by survey that when I went to war that we had a certain percentage in that carrier battle group, and when I was on the ground briefly in Afghanistan, that were gay. And now we come back to America and say they don't have equal rights. I've never understood it. This is something where we have to correct this.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

I really believe, if I learned anything in the military, it was that I was accountable for my actions and I like to be part of the team that kind of brings that back to Washington, D.C. - not just responsibility, but accountability and being ready to lose my job over doing what's right.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

Washington, D.C.'s lost the trust and faith of everyone.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

I think we do stand in this nation for equal rights for everybody.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

Those who are in our military and now have retired or they left the service actually respect candor. And they respect those that speak without trying to politicize who they are.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

People ask me if I'm liberal or conservative. I say neither - I'm pragmatic.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

Americans know that we have more in common than we do differences.

Joe Sestak
Joe Sestak

I believe in national service, where you can join AmeriCorps or the military.