Joe Cocker
Joe Cocker

I'm no good at breakin' off with people.

Joe Cocker
Joe Cocker

To be on the road, even if you're not that happy, is all right, as long as I'm pourin' me heart into it.

Joe Cocker
Joe Cocker

A lot of times, it's nice to open, because the heat's off you. You just go out and blast your set and say to whoever's going to finish, 'There you go.' Even though when you first start, people are drifting in, and that's kind of a bit disconcerting.

Joe Cocker
Joe Cocker

I used to slap my hip to keep a beat.

Joe Cocker
Joe Cocker

I think to be a good songwriter, you have to be able to play an instrument.

Joe Cocker
Joe Cocker

I never picked up a guitar as a kid, partly because my dad didn't want the noise in our little back-to-back in Sheffield.

Joe Cocker
Joe Cocker

There are people who'll dismiss me as 'just' a singer. That's how it is, how it's always been, but just because I'm not hunched over a piece of paper with a pen in my hand doesn't mean I'm not putting in the graft.

Joe Cocker
Joe Cocker

Rock and roll came into my life when I was about 12, 13, when Little Richard and Chuck Berry had just started hitting the shores of England.

Joe Cocker
Joe Cocker

'You Are So Beautiful,' I think, is probably the, you know, the strongest tune I ever did in just the simplicity in it.

Joe Cocker
Joe Cocker

I have one message for young musicians around the world: Stay true to your heart, believe in yourself, and work hard.