Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

I really enjoy movies.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

The NBA is always looking for tough kids who aren't afraid of the moment or the guy they're playing against.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

To be honest with you, I always thought I was going to be in the NBA.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

Winning was everything to me. I hated to lose.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

You want to play against the best - at least I do. I want to go out there and compete against the best players.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

I've proven I can play.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

I can play off the ball some, and that's fine with me as long as I can be out on the floor. But I am definitely more natural as a point guard than I am as a two guard.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

It's tough, trying to get better.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

It is tough, you don't want to lose games.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

I am going to continue to get better and do great things.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

People have heard about me, but they haven't heard about things my brother and my parents have gone through, and stories about growing up and living a dream come true.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

Basketball is great and so much fun, and it has taken me to so many places. I've been in the public eye a lot, and it has given me so many great experiences but hasn't changed the person I am.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

I try to stay grounded.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

Basketball will come and go, but the person you are will always remain.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

I love Justin Bieber, love Drake.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

To be in the All-Star Weekend is something that's special.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

You've just got to stay grounded, keep your head down, keep pushing and, when someone does call and wants you, be ready for your opportunity.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

Everybody wants to be in the NBA. That's the whole goal. I'm no different than that.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

There's a lot of guys in the NBA; it's about finding the right fit, a coach that has some trust in you that will play you night in and night out, consistently. Trying to find a right fit is the tough part.

Jimmer Fredette
Jimmer Fredette

It's a game that I love and I want to continue to play. I know that I'll have a job somewhere. You've just got to go out there and put your best foot forward.