Jill Hennessy
Jill Hennessy

I like someone who embraces life; who wants to be on a long journey but has no particular plan or destination in mind. An adventurous man, open to the concept of living life in the moment.

Jill Hennessy
Jill Hennessy

To be a good model, I'd need a lot more confidence... and more confidence to be more bare.

Jill Hennessy
Jill Hennessy

When you're an actor working in the theater, you would never say anything to the writer, never alter the dialogue, never dream to ask for changes.

Jill Hennessy
Jill Hennessy

To be honest I never thought the acting thing would get off the ground.

Jill Hennessy
Jill Hennessy

I'd gone through the ups and downs and curveballs that life throws at you. I found writing to be very therapeutic and it helped me with a lot of the stuff I was going through.

Jill Hennessy
Jill Hennessy

I've found it easier to write, to coalesce my thoughts, since having children. It brings you back to what you experienced yourself as a child, and you empathize with what your parents went through.

Jill Hennessy
Jill Hennessy

Running - and yoga, too - is my sanity and my saviour. It's just finding the time to do it!

Jill Hennessy
Jill Hennessy

Running gives you a great opportunity to work stuff out in your head.