Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

Styling is such a small part of what I do. I have, like, 10 jobs. People don't know that I work so much on the back end of things. They think I'm just dressing people. My business is with brands.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

I work with real women of all shapes and sizes.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

Listen, every person has to have a bit of privacy in their life. There are certain things I hold very dear and secret.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

Sometimes all you need is that onetime break and it'll change your life. If you get your item on a celebrity, that's almost like the top of the top - a new way of creating business.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

There are things I'll never talk about for sure. My life is an open book, but there's always a few secret pages in the back that nobody will be able to read.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

I always want to be recognised for the work I do and not the company I keep.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

I don't take myself too seriously. I never think I'm the smartest person in the room.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

I didn't invent something; I just chose to find my strengths and do things that make me happy and work with businesses I'm proud of and create strategies that I think work. And so far, so good, but I'm not changing the world.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

It's tough to be a designer. It is really tough to be a Canadian designer.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

Sometimes all you need is that one-time break and it'll change your life.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

Sometimes the simplest tasks are so incredibly challenging but everyday I try and I make choices to push myself further than I could ever imagine.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

Living with mental illness is not a choice and can lead to debilitating circumstances.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

Even when you work from home, getting yourself dressed is the first step. I often find there are days where I'll be in my pajamas all day. I feel like a useless human being.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

To be a good mom, you have to step away from it for a minute. Whether that's getting out of the mom outfit or hanging out with your girlfriends - and not just your mom group friends - hanging out with other women.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

When I style women, I find shapes that make them look and feel their best.

Jessica Mulroney
Jessica Mulroney

I try to promote confidence within women through fashion. It is not about wearing all the silhouettes, it's simply about what makes you feel good. Period.