Into the Wild
Into the Wild

[last title cards]
Title Card: In memory / Christopher Johnson McCandless / February 12, 1968 - August 18, 1992
Title Card: Two weeks after Chris's death, moose hunters discovered his body in the bus.
[This self-portrait was found undeveloped in his camera]
Title Card: On September 19, 1992, Carine McCandless flew with her brother's ashes from Alaska to the eastern

seaboard. She carried them with her on the plane... in her backpack.
Title Card: The filmmakers thank Jon Krakauer for his guidance and gratefully acknowledge Walt, Billie, Carine and the entire McCandless family for their brave support in the making of this film.

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

Carine McCandless: With almost a year having passed since Chris' disappearance my parents' anger had turned to desperation. Their guilt was giving way to pain. And pain seemed to bring them closer. Even their faces had changed. She convinces herself it's Chris, that's her son whenever she passes a stray. And I fear for the mother in her. Instincts that seem to sense the threat of

a loss so huge and irrevocable that the mind balks at taking its measure. I had begun to wonder if I can understand what Chris is saying any longer. But I catch myself and remember that these are not the parents I grew up with. That people soften by the forced reflection that comes with loss. Still everything Chris is saying has to be said. And I trust that everything he is doing has to be done.

This is our life.

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

Ranger Steve Koehler: Next available is May 17, 2003.
Christopher McCandless: 12 years? Twelve years - to paddle down a river?

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

Rainey: You're an industrious little fucker, aren't cha?

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

Christopher McCandless: If I wanted to paddle down the river, where's the best place to launch out of?
Ranger Steve Koehler: To *launch* out of?

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

Rainey: That poor girl's about ready to vault herself onto a fencepost.

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

Ron Franz: What does the "N" stand for?
Christopher McCandless: North.
Ron Franz: [sounding surprised and frustrated] Alaska?

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

[first lines]
Christopher McCandless: Mom! Mom! Help me.

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

Carine McCandless: Chris was writing his story, and it had to be Chris who would tell it.

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

Carine McCandless: The fragility of crystal is not a weakness but a fineness.

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

Christopher McCandless: [mimicking his parents fight] No, Billie. I told you once. Don't make me tell you again. Okay? Okay? You hear me? You hear me, woman? You hear me, woman? Huh? You hear me, woman? Sorry. Sorry, Walt. I'm sorry.

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

Christopher McCandless: I don't need a new car, I don't want a new car, I don't want anything, any of these things, things, things, things.

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

Walt McCandless: Don't you walk away from me, woman! Woman!
Billie McCandless: Kids! Look what your dad is doing to me!
Walt McCandless: For God's sake, look what your mother is making me do!
Billie McCandless: Fuck you! I hate you!
Walt McCandless: There ain't gonna be no party. I'm

gonna cancel Christmas this year.
Billie McCandless: Cancel Christmas? Who do you think you are? God?
Walt McCandless: That's right! I'm God!

Into the Wild
Into the Wild

Rainey: Well my friend, all is not well on the hippie front.