
Bruce Banner: I should have killed you.
Father: Yeah? I should have killed you.
Bruce Banner: I wish you had. I saw her last night. Saw her face. Brown hair, brown eyes. She smiled at me. She reached down and kissed my cheek. I can almost remember her smell. It was like desert flowers.
Father: Her favorite

Bruce Banner: It was my mother, and I don't even know her name.
Father: It's alright, son. Go ahead and cry. Go ahead and cry. Cry. Crying will do you good.
Bruce Banner: Don't touch me! Maybe, once you were my father, but you're not now and you never will be.
Father: Oh, is that so? Well, I've

got news for you. I didn't come here to see you. I came here to see my son. My real son. The one inside of you. You're nothing but a superficial shell, a husk of flimsy consciousness ready to be torn off at a moments notice.
Bruce Banner: You can think what you like. I don't care, just go!
Father: Now, son, listen to me. I've found a cure... for me.

My cells can transform, too. Absorb enormous amounts of energy, but unlike you, they're unstable. Son, I need your strength. I gave you life, now you must give it back to me! Only a million times more radiant, more powerful!
Bruce Banner: Stop!
Father: Stop what? STOP WHAT! Think about all those men out there, in their uniforms! Barking and

swallowing orders! Inflicting their petty rule over the entire globe! Think of all the harm they've done! To you, to me! To humanity! And know this, that we can make them, and their flags and their anthems and their governments disappear! In a flash, you and me!
Bruce Banner: I'd rather die!
Father: Oh, that's your answer and indeed you shall die and

be reborn a hero! Of the kind that walked the Earth long before the pale religions of civilization infected humanity's soul!
Bruce Banner: DON'T!
Father: [David stops and shortly mocks Bruce in a calm manner] Stop your bawling, you weak little speck of human trash.
[David gets up from his chair, yelling]
Father: I'll

go! You just watch me go!


The Hulk: Puny human!


Talbot: You and I have never had the chance to get to know each other properly.
Bruce Banner: Well, that's because I don't want to get to know you. Properly or improperly.


Father: [absorbing Hulk's energy] Sleep, Bruce, and forget forever. Struggle no more... and give me all of your power.
Bruce Banner: You think you can live with it? Take it! TAKE IT ALL!


Bruce Banner: [that ominous green glow in his eyes] Talbot?
Talbot: Yeah?
Bruce Banner: You're making me angry.
Talbot: Oh, am I?
[Banner turns into the Hulk]


Betty Ross: All you've given Bruce is fear. Fear of life.
Father: Fear. Perhaps, Miss Ross. And loneliness, too. Yes. I feel them both. But I have lived completely once. I was so much in love. And she so much wanted a baby. My baby. I could tell from the moment she conceived that it wasn't a son I had given her, but something else. A monster, maybe. I

should have put a stop to it right then, but I was curious, and that was my downfall. And as I watched this tiny life unfold, I began to imagine the horror of it, and my curiosity was replaced with compassion. But they took away my chance to cure him. Your father threw me out. I remember that day so well. Every moment. Every sensation. Walking into the house. The feeling of the handle of the knife

in my hand. I knew I was doing a father's work, fulfilling a father's mercy... but then she surprised me. It was as if she and the knife merged. You cannot imagine the unbearable finality of it. And in that one moment, I took everything that was dear to me and transformed it into nothing more than a memory.


Father: How little you understand, Miss Ross. And how dangerous your ignorance has become.
Betty Ross: I'm sorry?
Father: Don't be sorry. My son is... unique. That's why you can't relate to him. And because he is unique, the world will not tolerate his existence. Will they? But you - you try. Don't you?


Talbot: See, I need your cells to trigger some chemical distress signals. You know, so you can turn a little green for me again, and I can carve off a piece of the real you, analyze it, patent it, make a fortune. Do you mind?
Bruce Banner: I'll never let you.
Talbot: I'm not sure you've got much of a choice.
[Talbot abuses

Talbot: Come on, Bruce. Aren't you feeling a little angry? After all, you've only got me to play with now that Betty's dumped you and gone back to Berkeley.
Bruce Banner: You're lying!
Talbot: You know, for me this is a win-win situation. You turn green, and all these guys come in and kill you and I perform the autopsy.

You don't, and I mop the floor with you, and maybe by accident go too far and break your neck. Bad science, maybe, but personally gratifying.


Betty Ross: We're buried out here in the middle of nowhere. How long are you going to keep him sedated?
Ross: For the rest of his natural life, if I have to.
Betty Ross: You said I could trust you.
Ross: I'm your father. You can trust me to do what I think is right, not what you think you want.

Betty Ross: He is a human being.
Ross: Well, he is also something else. Suppose he gets out, has one of his little mood swings in a populated area.
Betty Ross: Yes, I'm aware of the potential danger. I'm also aware that he saved my life.
Ross: Yeah, from a mutant French poodle. I'm indebted to him for that. He

also put three men in a hospital and Talbot's barely walking! I mean, what do you want me to do?
Betty Ross: I want you to help him! Why is he such a threat to you?
Ross: Because I know what he comes from! He is his father's son, every last molecule of him! He says he doesn't know his father, but he's working in the same exact goddamn field his

father did! So, either he's lying or it's something worse, that he's...
Betty Ross: What? Predestined to follow on his father's footsteps?
Ross: I was going to say damned.
Betty Ross: Of course you were, but I'm a scientist. As a scientist, I believe we can figure this out and he can be helped.
Ross: I

know you do. Whether you know or care, I've got a lot of pride in what you've done, but this is too big for you.
Betty Ross: Look, I know the government thinks they have a weapon on their hands, otherwise he'd be dead by now. They can probe and prod all they want. In the meanwhile, just let me try to help him. Nobody knows him better than I do. What did David Banner do to



Bruce Banner: You found me!
Betty Ross: You weren't that hard to find.
Bruce Banner: ...yes, I was.


Bruce Banner: You know what scares me the most? When it happens, when it comes over me... and I totally lose control, I like it.


Betty Ross: [after witnessing Bruce transform, and then transform back] Oh, God. It must be the nanomeds. It must be the gamma exposure. But we've never seen any effect like this before.
Bruce Banner: No. Deeper. The gamma just unleashed what was already there.
Betty Ross: Unleashed what?
Bruce Banner: Me. It.

[He begins to writhe and growl]
Betty Ross: It's okay. It's okay. What were those animals?
Bruce Banner: My father sent them. He is my father. He wanted me to change. He wanted me to change into that mindless hulk. Why would he want that?


Father: We're going to have to watch that temper of yours.


Betty Ross: Bruce, you were going to die. And I was standing there, helpless, knowing you were going to die!


Ross: Shut down all power to the main hall.
Technician: Sir?
Ross: Show him the way out. We'll fight him outside.


Father: And what have I done to my son, Miss Ross? Nothing. I tried to improve on the limits in myself. Myself, not him. Can you understand? To improve on nature, MY nature, knowledge of one's self. It's the only path to the truth that give men the power to go beyond God's boundaries.


Bruce Banner: You want to go to the review board on Monday and tell them we have developed a brand new method for exploding frogs?
Betty Ross: I think there's a market for it. I mean, what if there's a plague?
Bruce Banner: What have you had, Betty, like one beer?
Betty Ross: I'm... I'm just saying... frogs

start falling from the sky... who do they come to? We'll be world renowned.


Father: And don't worry about the dogs. You'll be fine... just don't look 'em in the eyes.


Ross: [about Dr. David Banner] He gets released, and a month later your lab is destroyed. What a coincidence. So you're just not going to tell me where he is, are you?
Bruce Banner: How many times do I have to tell you? I'd like to help you, but I just don't know.
Ross: You know who I am, right, Banner?

Banner: You're Betty's father. You're a high-ranking general.
Ross: Let's cut the crap. I'm the guy who had your father tossed away, and a lot more like him, and I'll do the same with you if I feel so disposed. You understand?
Bruce Banner: If you had him tossed away, then why are you asking me? I don't remember! I was always told my father

was dead.
Ross: Don't play with me! You were four years old when you saw it.
Bruce Banner: When I saw what?
Ross: You were right there! How could anyone forget a thing like that?
Bruce Banner: [whispers] What?
Ross: Oh, some more repressed memories.

Banner: Just tell me.
Ross: I'm sorry, son. You're an even more screwed up mess than I thought you'd be. Until we get to the bottom of this, your lab has been declared a top secret military site and you're not going to get a security clearance to get back into it. Or any other lab that's doing anything more interesting than trying to figure out the next generation

of herbal hair gel.
[He leans forward threateningly]
Ross: And one more thing: If you ever come within a thousand yards of my daughter again, I'll put you away for the rest of your natural life.


Betty Ross: What happened to you last night?
Bruce Banner: I had the most vivid dream. It was like being born. Coming up for air, light hitting my face, screaming. My heartbeat was like boom, boom, boom.
Betty Ross: Were you at the lab?
Bruce Banner: No, but something... and there was that man. The one with

the dogs.
Betty Ross: Who.
Bruce Banner: That new janitor. He said he was my father.