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Danny Butterman: What about... 'Lethal Weapon'?
Nicholas Angel: No.
Danny Butterman: You've seen 'Die Hard', though?
Nicholas Angel: No.
Danny Butterman: 'Bad Boys II'?
Nicholas Angel: No.
Danny Butterman: You ain't seen 'Bad Boys II'?

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Nicholas Angel: You're a doctor, deal with it!
Danny Butterman: Yeah, motherfucker!

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[Danny and Nicholas have just watched 'Point Break']
Danny Butterman: What do you think?
Nicholas Angel: Well, I wouldn't argue that it wasn't a no-holds-barred, adrenaline-fueled thrill ride. But there is no way you can perpetrate that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork.

Butterman: That is nothing man, this is about to go off!

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[Nicholas is giving a talk to a group of school children]
Nicholas Angel: Are there any questions?
[Danny is sitting at the back of a group]
Danny Butterman: Is it true that there's a point on a man's head where if you shoot it, it will blow up?

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Inspector Frank Butterman: I suppose you're wondering why we call them the "Andies"?
Nicholas Angel: They're both called Andrew?
Inspector Frank Butterman: [delighted] They said you were good!
Danny Butterman: Also because talking to them is an uphill struggle, isn't it, Dad?
[Danny gets hit on the head

with a wastepaper basket]
Danny Butterman: Fuck off!
Inspector Frank Butterman: Thank you, Danny.

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Danny Butterman: Ever fired your gun in the air and yelled, 'Aaaaaaah?'

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Nicholas Angel: You don't mind a bit of manpower, do ya Doris?
PC Doris Thatcher: [laughing] Oh, dirty bastard!

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Danny Butterman: What's it like being stabbed?
Nicholas Angel: It was the single most painful experience of my life
Danny Butterman: [nodding] What's the second most painful?

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Dr. Robin Hatcher: I've told him several times "You shouldn't eat late at night".
PC Doris Thatcher: Oh, I dunno. I quite like a little midnight gobble. Haha!
PC Bob Walker: ...cocks.

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Nicholas Angel: I didn't mean to upset the apple cart.
DS Andy Cartwright: Oh yeah, cause we all sell apples 'round here, don't we?
Danny Butterman: Your dad sells apples, Andy.
DS Andy Cartwright: And raspberries.

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Nicholas Angel: What's the matter, Danny? Never taken a shortcut before?
[proceeds to leap over a series of back-garden fences]

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[First night in Sandford]
Nicholas Angel: I'm taking you to the station.
Nicholas Angel: Where is it?

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Nicholas Angel: Why are you wearing a police officer's uniform?
Danny Butterman: 'Cause I am one?

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DS Andy Wainwright: Angel! Don't go being a twat, now.
Nicholas Angel: I wouldn't give you the satisfaction!

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[Angel is woken in the middle of the night with the report of a suspicious death]
Nicholas Angel: [on the phone] "Decaffeinated?"
[cut to shot of two decapitated heads]

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Nicholas Angel: [shouting] Have you ever wondered why, why the crime rate in Sandford is so low, yet the accident rate is so high?

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Nicholas Angel: In the meantime, why don't you check out a few of Martin Blower's clients?
DS Andy Wainwright: Martin Blower represents damn near most of the village. Do you want us to go through the whole phone book?
DS Andy Cartwright: Yeah, we'll put a call in to Aaron A. Aaronson, shall we?
Nicholas Angel:

Please, don't be childish. At least consider interviewing the widow. Martin Blower was clearly having an affair with Eve Draper.
DS Andy Wainwright: Ohh, and how did you establish that?
Danny Butterman: [pounds table] 'Cause we sat through three hours of so-called acting last night, and the kiss was the only convincing moment in it.

Andy Wainwright: All right, pipe down, biggun'.
DS Andy Cartwright: Here, what else you got, Crockett and Tubby?
Nicholas Angel: Skid marks.
DS Andy Wainwright: Now who's being childish?
Nicholas Angel: There were no skid marks at the scene! Doesn't it seem a little strange that Martin Blower

would lose control of his car and not think to apply the brakes?

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[in a crime scene, where everyone is masked and wearing the same clothes]
Nicholas Angel: Janine, I've been transferred and I'm moving away for a while.
'Not' Janine: I'm not Janine.

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[Nick is being introduced to the NWA for the first time and expresses his religious convictions to Reverend Shooter]
Reverend Philip Shooter: Oh, you're an agnostic, then?
Dr. Robin Hatcher: [calling out] I think I've got a cream for that!

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Danny Butterman: Forget it, Nicholas... it's Sandford.