Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman

Read my letter to the old folks, and give my love to them, and tell my brothers to be always watching unto prayer, and when the good old ship of Zion comes along, to be ready to step aboard.

Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman

'Pears like my heart go flutter, flutter, and then they may say, 'Peace, Peace,' as much as they likes - I know it's goin' to be war!

Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman

As I lay so sick on my bed, from Christmas till March, I was always praying for poor ole master. 'Pears like I didn't do nothing but pray for ole master. 'Oh, Lord, convert ole master;' 'Oh, dear Lord, change dat man's heart, and make him a Christian.'

Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman

Why, der language down dar in de far South is jus' as different from ours in Maryland, as you can think. Dey laughed when dey heard me talk, an' I could not understand 'dem, no how.

Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman

I had two sisters carried away in a chain-gang - one of them left two children. We were always uneasy.

Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman

'Pears like I prayed all the time, 'bout my work, everywhere, I prayed an' groaned to the Lord.