H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

I remember on 'Dr. Katz,' there was no script really at all. There were just scene outlines.

H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

I worked a lot on 'Conan' as an actor, and when I moved to New York, a lot of my friends were on the first staff of that show. I started doing bit parts, which was the first thing I'd done on camera in front of a live audience.

H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

I sing a little bit, yeah. But I sing very poorly.

H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

I had no intention of ever doing voice-overs. I wasn't opposed to them; I just didn't have any particular knowledge of how or why people do that.

H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

For me, performing isn't really particularly difficult.

H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

It feels like animation has a little more independence than traditional sitcoms ever did.

H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

Incompetent and relentless are the worst combination of qualities.

H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

I think, to a degree, I'm maybe more suited for voice work. And I don't just mean my face and body. Because maybe there's something about what I do that just, for some reason, is better to just hear me.

H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

Voice actors I used to know who were starting out in comedy were guys who did a lot of voices. They were usually comedy actors who developed their comedy by doing tons of impressions and voices that were usually very funny. And I never did any of that, so that's, I guess, why I don't consider myself a voice actor.

H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

I actually walk through Washington Square Park a lot.

H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

I don't recommend not working hard, but it's worked for me.

H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

I was a teenager when 'Miami Vice' came out, and that was such a huge show.

H. Jon Benjamin
H. Jon Benjamin

'Bob's Burgers' is done with the cast all together - not necessarily all together: some are in L.A. and some are in New York, but we're hearing each other. So scenes are performed as a group. And 'Archer' is just me alone in a booth.