Gina Miller
Gina Miller

No prime minister, no government can expect to be unanswerable or unchallenged.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

As people in business know, if you just sit on your hands and don't progress with the changing environment, you won't reform and improve the existing relationships you have.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

If we set the precedent that a government can use their royal prerogative to take away people's human rights, that is taking us into a very dangerous political environment.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

Article 50 is very poorly written and raises more questions more answers.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

The U.K. has always had a special relationship with the E.U.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

I was never binary remain or leave. I was very much of the sentiment, and still am, that it was about remain, reform and review. The U.K. actually has a very powerful place in Europe.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

I tend to stand up and speak up when I see something dysfunctional happening.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

I have always been drawn to male-dominated industries and adrenaline-filled pursuits.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

I've worked for everything I've had, and I can't think of a better way of using it than standing up for what's right, and what's required to build a better society.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

I have become the person I am today, as a result of both the successes and the scars in my life.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

Concentrating on yourself all day is not healthy.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

I am more interested in teaching my children empathy than subscribing to our 'me' culture and obsessing about 'how do I feel' all the time.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

I come from South America and it's part of our culture to speak out. It's a lot healthier.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

If I look smart and feel confident, other people's bigoted assumptions have less power to harm me.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

I just want people to be equal and fair to each other.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

I'm more interested in policy than politics, and I can do that as an independent person.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

When I worked in financial services, as part of a female-led business, I found that pitching to very male-dominated boards created stress.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

When we're anxious we tend to shrink into a defeatist position, curving our shoulders or backs. Learning to stand straight, take a breath and speak slowly helps to project a sense of confidence, relieving some of that anxiety.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

I have a 'pillow test' - can I go to bed tonight knowing that I did my best today? If I can, I'm happy.

Gina Miller
Gina Miller

I've managed to achieve a lot because I sleep very little. I tend to survive on about four hours a night, but when I'm stressed it's even less.