Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Vasil: I got what you need for the shakes, my friend.
Johnny Blaze: Carrigan must have told about that thing that killed his men last night, huh? Yeah? That thing is inside of me. See, you're a bad man, and this thing, the Rider, he feeds on bad men. And he's hungry. He's hungrier than he's been in years. That's why I'm shaking! Because right now the only

thing that's standing between you and the Rider is me. And he's just - He's...
Johnny Blaze: He's scraping at the door. Scraping at the door! And if you don't tell what I wanna know, I'm gonna let him out. And when he's done with you, there won't be anything left, you understand?

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

[Carrigan is pinned under rubble of concrete]
Roarke: You're not done, Carrigan. You were to bring me Nadya's son. I do expect you to fulfill your obligation.
Ray Carrigan: Sorry, jackass, but I'm dead.
Roarke: Inconvenient.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Johnny Blaze: What is it? This thing inside of me? I'd like to know before we, uh, commence.
Moreau: Hm. Zarathos was an angel, a Spirit of Justice. Sent to protect the world of men. But he was tricked, captured, brought down to Hell, corrupted. Driven insane. Heh. His mission to protect the innocent was perverted into a lust to punish the guilty. He became

the Spirit of Vengeance.
Johnny Blaze: Yeah, but the angel, the Spirit of Justice, he's alive in there? Somewhere?
Moreau: He could be. Do you feel him?
Johnny Blaze: No.
Moreau: Cheer up, my man. Soon, you will be free.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Johnny Blaze: There's no sign of him.
Moreau: Whoever did this wanted him alive.
Johnny Blaze: Well I think we all have a pretty good idea who that would be, Moreau.
Nadya: Yes, so now he's with Roarke. Some protectors you turned out to be.
Johnny Blaze: What exactly does Roarke want

with Danny? What are his plans for his son? Is he putting money away for college? What?
Moreau: It is the day of prophecy. As was the day Danny was conceived. The child must be in his 13th year before the rite can be performed on the dawn of a new winter.
Johnny Blaze: The rite.
Moreau: Roarke fathered the boy as a vessel, as

a container for his power. The ritual will transform his essence, his soul into the boy. There will be no more Danny. Only Roarke.
Nadya: No!
Johnny Blaze: Why the hell didn't you tell us this, Moreau?
Moreau: Hey. You are the one who that made a deal with Roarke! Both of you! Something I would never do.

Blaze: All right. The prophecy, you said it had to happen at the dawn of a new day. Well, that's good. Maybe there's still time. Do you know where Roarke has him?
Moreau: I think so. Yes.
Nadya: What, so now you want to play hero? You got what you wanted.
Johnny Blaze: Yes, I did. Thank you for holding up your end of

the bargain.
Moreau: Your welcome.
Johnny Blaze: If I can spend the rest of my life as a free man without a curse from Hell hanging over my head, yeah, I'll take it. But I promised Danny he'd be safe. If I walk away now, I'm just trading one demon for another. Let's go.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Roarke: You wanted to know why I look this way. Think of... a flamethrower.
[scene of Ghost Rider urinating fire]
Danny: [laughs]
Roarke: Is that funny? Okay. A flamethrower made of papier-mâché. All that power. But try to use it, you burn up. This body I'm living in, it's weak, human. It's dying. It was never made to things

that I can do. But you... you're only part human. You have all the power that I have inside of you. Like father, like son.
[leans on to touch Danny, Danny shrugs him off]
Roarke: But this corporeal form can wield the power without burning itself up.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Johnny Blaze: [drinks Moreau's wine] This might be good on a salad.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Ghost Rider: [to thug before using the Penance Stare] Hungry!

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Moreau: Danny's soul can still be saved! That boy is one of God's children!
Methodius: NO! He is not.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Moreau: The day of prophecy is tomorrow. We were to hold the boy until the danger passes.
Methodius: The danger will not pass, Moreau. As long as the boy exists, the power will always be inside him.
Moreau: You lied to me. You lied to me!
Methodius: This child must be destroyed.

No! No!
Methodius: You might have protested while the child was being conceived. Now it is too late.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Moreau: Respectfully, Benedict, the Devil himself wants this child. Only one place is safe. That is the Sanctuary. The Rider must take him.
Benedict: You do enjoy your wine, Moreau. In a few days the winter solstice will be past and with it the hour of the prophecy. Then the boy will be no use to anyone.
Moreau: By that time,

brother, you will all be dead.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Johnny Blaze: [after Moreau enters Johnny's apartment grabbing his shirt] Who are you?
Moreau: I'm Moreau, my brothers are dead, as should I if it not would have been for the intervention of God, and you are Johnny Blaze.
Johnny Blaze: Go away.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Moreau: We thought you can control it, make it work for you, huh? That you were stronger than this hungrier thing, this sickness...
Johnny Blaze: [Johnny hits Moreau with his chain and chokes him] Why are you here? What do you want from me?
Moreau: I need your help, and you need your soul. So we make a deal. You know something about

making deals, don't you Johnny?
[Johnny releases his chain around his throat]
Moreau: Nice bike.
[Moreau pulls out picture of Danny]
Moreau: This child is in danger, and for more than his life. You will save him.
Johnny Blaze: I don't save people.
Moreau: [laughs] What brought you out

here, Johnny Blaze? Thousands of miles from your place of birth, and your dark rebirth, you were brought here for this.
Johnny Blaze: This little kid, what makes you think I can find him?
Moreau: This man that you met many years ago, that put the curse on you...
Johnny Blaze: Roarke.
Moreau: The Devil

has many names. He is the link that connects you to this child. Let the Rider follow his stench that will lead to the boy.
Johnny Blaze: You said something about a deal.
Moreau: The church of my masters is an ancient one. We are prepared to give to you the one thing you want most of this world, bring us the boy, and we will lift your curse.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Toma Nikasevic: 50 GM 148 Javelin, lock on, fire, and forget. American bunker-buster, two stage detonation. The first creates a super vacuum, it sucks the oxygen from the air. The next...
Ray Carrigan: [cutting him off] I know what it does, give me four of them, with extra heads.
Toma Nikasevic: How many men you go up against?

Ray Carrigan: Just one.
[Toma and his crew laugh]