Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

Keep yourself motivated. You've got to be motivated, you've got to wake up every day and understand what that day is about; you've got to have personal goals - short term goals, intermediate goals, and long term goals. Be flexible in getting to those goals, but if you do not have goals, you will not achieve them.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

Have a goal. Know where you want to end up. Knowing where you want to end up is a lot easier than figuring out how to start and how to get there. You will figure out how to get there. Do not chart your career. Trust me; you do not want to chart your career.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

As a patriotic American, I am reluctant to leave my post as director of the National Economic Council because I feel a duty to fulfil my commitment to work on behalf of the American people.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

I don't drink hot beverages.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

If we get a tax system that is competitive, we will hire people. When you hire people, you have to compete for labor. When you compete for labor, you drive wages.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

I would like to get the tax rate as low as possible so that businesses want to create jobs here.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

Citizens standing up for equality and freedom can never be equated with white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and the KKK.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

We spend millions of hours doing taxes and spend so much money doing our taxes. It should be very simple.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

Going to school is not really education. It's really who's in front of the classrooms and who's endearing themselves to the kids and who's making the kids want to learn and who's inspiring them to be curious about any topic in the world.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

I know from my experiences in life that educators had an enormous impact and influence on me. And fortunately or unfortunately, I had a lot of experience with different educators.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

We want to keep a preferred rate for capital gains - we think it is important to encourage investment.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

Our belief in free markets and a level playing field are values that make the world more free, fair, and prosperous.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

We do not believe that death should be a taxable event.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

If someone's getting a tax cut, I'm not upset that they're getting a tax cut. I'm really not upset.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

Every time you get into a new job, new location, you have an amazing opportunity in front of you. You get to play dumb for as long as people will allow you to play dumb. You get to ask all the dumb questions, you get to ask multiple people the dumb questions, and you get to make mistakes. That's how you stand out in the crowd.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

The one trait in a lot of dyslexic people I know is that by the time we got out of college, our ability to deal with failure was very highly developed. And so we look at most situations and see much more of the upside than the downside.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

The one thing you realize if you're going to be successful - no matter where you grew up, no matter what your educational level is - A. You can succeed, but B. The only way you're going to succeed is by outworking everyone else.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

I don't think it's good for anyone to be in the public light - for negative reasons.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

There is a finite group of major financial players... and overall, the best thing for all of us is to be in an industry that's well respected, well regarded, and well thought of.

Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn

China is the big economic engine in Asia, so what happens is, as China growth expands, these countries in the periphery of China, whether it be Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, they end up growing with China because they become big exporters.