Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes

Sherlock Holmes: The choice is always yours. Whatever society may claim, it can't control you.

Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes

Mycroft Holmes: We have two problems, as I see it. One, finding a boarding school that is willing to take Enola on so she won't be a complete failure in this world. That, I am in the process of solving with the help of an old friend. And two... finding Mother.

Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes

Enola Holmes: I don't know what she wanted me to be.

Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes

Mycroft Holmes: I believe I explicitly told you to look for her.
Lestrade: You explicitly told me to look for a scrappy girl with no poise. This was a woman... with extreme poise.
Mycroft Holmes: There's a wild thing underneath. That, I assure you.

Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes

The Dowager: England's true glory is what is. Do you see?
[Enola looks around at the forest in awe]
Enola Holmes: I can see much beauty.
The Dowager: Very sensible answer.

Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes

Sherlock Holmes: You're being emotional. It's understandable, but unnecessary.

Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes

Enola Holmes: No! Please don't do this to me. Let me remain happy. I am happy here.
Mycroft Holmes: You are a young woman now, Enola. You need an education.
Enola Holmes: Test me on anything you think I need to know in order to be sufficient for this world.
Mycroft Holmes: If she taught you so well you

wouldn't be standing in your undergarments in front of me, would you? You have no hope of making a husband in your current state.
Enola Holmes: I don't want a husband!
Mycroft Holmes: And that is another thing you need to have educated out of you.
[Enola kneels beside Sherlock]
Enola Holmes: Sherlock. Don't let him do

this to me.
Sherlock Holmes: You are his ward.
Enola Holmes: Make me yours. Guide me. Teach me. For him, I am a nuisance. For you...
Sherlock Holmes: Enola. I'm sorry. It's out of my hands.