Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

He said true things, but called them by wrong names.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

He lives most life whoever breathes most air.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The Greeks said grandly in their tragic phrase, 'Let no one be called happy till his death;' to which I would add, 'Let no one, till his death, be called unhappy.'

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Girls blush, sometimes, because they are alive, half wishing they were dead to save the shame. The sudden blush devours them, neck and brow; They have drawn too near the fire of life, like gnats, and flare up bodily, wings and all. What then? Who's sorry for a gnat or girl?

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

At painful times, when composition is impossible and reading is not enough, grammars and dictionaries are excellent for distraction.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

An ignorance of means may minister to greatness, but an ignorance of aims make it impossible to be great at all.