Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

The OPPA route is nothing new. It follows the decades-old liberal agenda on trade, health care, global warming, and mass unionization. That agenda has never brought prosperity to workers.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

Around the time President Lyndon B. Johnson was declaring a War on Poverty in the 1960s, federal, state and local governments began accelerating a veritable War on the Private Sector.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

While conventional wisdom has traditionally sided against borrowing from retirement savings, sentiment has shifted toward borrowing from one's own assets with the realization that other forms of credit come at a much higher cost and often are not even available to borrowers with limited means and urgent needs.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

For significant job creation to occur, prospective entrepreneurs and current business owners must not fear the future or be under assault from their own government in the present.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

Taxpayers should demand that their states honestly assess public pension plans, accurately measure the assets and liabilities, and take steps to provide fair benefits to public employees that limit taxpayers' liability.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

The borrow-spend-and-centralize agenda that has been so destructive to job creation elsewhere in America has been a gravy boat inside the Beltway.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

My parents were very, very strict parents, and they were not used to this new, you know, American custom of letting your children sleep in someone else's house.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

America's competitive advantage lies in its human talent. All of us should be doing everything we can to cultivate and develop our work force.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

My husband has an outstanding record in promoting opportunity for women and the women that he surrounds himself in his staff and the women that he has promoted throughout his career. He's the father of three daughters. He's obviously a husband who's been very supportive of a very active wife with her own career.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

Our country needs to produce 250,000 net new jobs every month just to keep even with population growth.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

Typically, after moving backwards, the economy takes even more steps forward.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

We want to make sure that workers know their rights and that employers know their obligations. That is the best way to protect workers.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

I know what it is like to feel vulnerable and fearful during a difficult time.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

People can voice their different points of view. We are also a country where there will be criticism.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

When there's change, people are always anxious.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

I can tell you I love California - and no more.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

My first port of call was Los Angeles. That's where I laid my first foot on America.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

Every person - we want to make sure that every person who wants a job will indeed get one.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

Even if it's a national issue, the federal government cannot provide all the answers.

Elaine Chao
Elaine Chao

We need fair and free trade.