Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

Faith is the ticket to the feast, not the feast.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

God will lead you into a deliverance where the means that delivers you will be those who would destroy you.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

The degree of loving is measured by the degree of giving.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

There is a high cost for low living.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

Good is often the enemy of best.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

Prayer in private results in boldness in public.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

Successful people recognize crisis as a time for change - from lesser to greater, smaller to bigger.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

God is the Creator; Satan is the counterfeiter.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

Illusions of grandeur are not the same as visions of greatness.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

You seek the heights of manhood when you seek the depths of God.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

Truth is life's most precious commodity.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

There is a price to pay for accomplishment.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

The Ten Commandments have never been replaced as the moral basis upon which society rests.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

Men cannot make Scripture conform to their lifestyle; they must make their lifestyle conform to Scripture.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

Crying over what's gone won't find the present.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

Men are limited by the knowledge of their minds, the worth of their characters and the principles upon which they are building their lives.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

The yoke you wear determines the burden you bear.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

Fear attracts attack.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

A dream doesn't become a goal until it is written.

Edwin Louis Cole
Edwin Louis Cole

You can tell the nature of the man by the words he chooses.