David Longstreth
David Longstreth

What music can do so well is tell the truth in a subjective way.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

Kanye has this discursive way of working, getting input from a range of people, that I thought was really cool.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

Working as a producer, an arranger, and, in some cases, as a writer for some other people gave me a super different perspective.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

I love 808s - not only the Auto-Tune but just ,in general, the embrace of a kind of digital style of working.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

Just like any songwriter, the songs come out of where I am in my life and what I'm doing and who I'm hanging out with and the kind of sounds I'm imagining. I always loved the idea of it evolving in the same way that life changes.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

As far as working with Kanye and Solange, that was amazing. After 'Swing Lo Magellan', I needed a change. Getting to work in that capacity, writing for other people and working for other people as a writer and as a person who's not representing it as the front person or whatever - it's such a different perspective you can get.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

It's helpful to just hear things through friends' ears, people who know you well. I guess when I started Dirty Projectors, when I was, like, 20, I always imagined it would be kind of like an amphibious vehicle: something that could go with me wherever I need to go. That kind of constant change has been in the DNA from the beginning.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

A few things I've noticed about myself as a listener, and the music that I relate to and the music that's continued to mean something to me since I was a little kid or a teenager, is that they're songs that tell stories and songs that come from a place of experience.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

What Joanna and Solange and Kanye all had in common was a mental image of what the sound is supposed to be. As a collaborator, my goal has to be to help them get toward that mental image. That was cool.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

Bjork has this kind of abstraction and formalism that you associate with art music or avant-garde music.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

When I first heard Bjork's music, I felt like I was a similar-minded thinker, both harmonically and melodically. She takes those things that you naturally assume to be opposite because they're presented that way most of the time, and the way she twines them together is so beautiful. To be able to do that is so powerful.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

One of the things I really like about West African guitar playing is the way it makes harmony linear. They're really spelling things out and turning chords into melodies instead of just letting them be these hanging blocks of color.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

Steely Dan is a band I'm not that into. Well, I guess I like certain singles.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

A lot of the music I was inspired by growing up - college rock, DIY, what they used to call indie rock - has a value system where truth-telling and authenticity are oppositional with mass media, showbiz, and commerce.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

For somebody like Kanye, fame is the fullest realisation of his art in a way. It's like an Andy Warhol dream or something. He's able to marshal all of these different artforms and media into his story, in this very layered, idiosyncratic way.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

The thing that transforms something from being an idea to being a physical reality is work.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

You can have outlandish ideas, but if you don't work at them, they just remain outlandish ideas. Anyone can have an idea. Work is transformative.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

The people I really admire, like William Blake and John Coltrane and Richard Wagner, had these ridiculously full universes that took their entire lives to describe.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

When I would go over to friends' houses, and they would be zoning out to Mario Brothers, I just found it the most distasteful thing.

David Longstreth
David Longstreth

When you make a melody that doesn't come with words from the get-go, sometimes you're just thinking about random vowel sounds that go with it - and it's really, really hard to write lyrics that actually obey the vowel sounds.