David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

Health care in America, despite all you hear, still offers us citizens one of the most efficient and highest quality systems in the world. But it's expensive, and it's only getting worse.

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

The Founding Fathers worried that 'some common impulse of passion' might lead many to subvert the rights of the few. It's a rational fear, one that is played out endlessly.

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

The crusade to convince us that global warming can only be dealt with by wealth destruction and higher energy prices began with an effort to 'raise awareness,' which turned into some delicate nanny-state prodding before efforts to artificially inflate prices.

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

You'll often hear the left lecture about the importance of dissent in a free society.

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

We need a smaller, leaner Washington. It won't happen if we raise taxes without any coinciding reform and serious slashing of spending.

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

The problem is that Americans use the state as a moral compass. For libertarians, it is often frustrating to explain that advocating the decriminalization of x is not synonymous with endorsing x.

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

Common Core, the initiative that claims to more accurately measure K-12 student knowledge in English and math, also encourages children to step up their 'critical thinking.'

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

A religion without rules or God isn't sustainable.

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

The Bible is filled with intriguing stories about complex and flawed human beings who ponder immense moral questions and engage in colossal clashes with evil.

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

Biblical movies need not sermonize, just be honest to the foundational story. As powerful as the message is for people of faith, it's really great storytelling.

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

Let's be honest: nothing spoils 'The Walking Dead' quite like watching 'The Walking Dead.'

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

Times change. Every generation has a new set of problems. Human nature is unmoved.

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

We have little choice but to place a certain level of trust in scientists - even when it comes to the model-driven speculative discipline of climate change. And, need it be said, most scientists take great care in being honest, principled and precise.

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

Twitter's popularity and usefulness are mysteries to me.

David Harsanyi
David Harsanyi

The deepest mystery of Twitter is why celebrities and elected officials take part. After all, we all know they can't write their own lines.