I always say kids are the future and if we can inspire them, the world will be a much better place.

Wrestling has been a journey through life, connecting different parts of my life.

You have to make the most of any time you are given, and any opportunity I'm given, whether it was as Charlotte Flair's protege, standing up against Ronda Rousey, being the statistician of Titus Worldwide, I want to show my range.

When I was in NXT, I was able to compete in the IFBB professional bodybuilding industry, and I took so much pride in that.

In my mind, I think Lacey Evans and I work great together. She always pushes me to the best of my abilities. When we can come together I feel like we're a very dominant team.

In college, where I graduated with a Fashion Merch & Business & Bachelors of Science Degree, I was bored. I just couldn't work a nine-to-five job.

In life, you're always going to have obstacles put in your path and I am a prime example of from when I was a little girl to where I am now, you control your own destiny.

When I came up to the main roster, it was such a different transition in seeing people pass you before your eyes. It just takes a toll on your heart because you're like 'what am I doing wrong? What can I do better? How can I be where they are?'