Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

You want to spend more of the money you earn? You want to control your own healthcare, and you want to pick where your kid goes to school? Then, welcome to the new Republican party. That's us.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

In the United States, authorities are supposed to investigate crimes and find the people who have committed them.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

A law has to have teeth.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

White House staff spends enormous amounts of time planning a president's every move so that his public persona reflects the mood of the public.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

If you're an American voter, you should be absolutely disgusted right now by people like Bernie Sanders, a fraud and limousine liberal, and his new acolyte, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others, too.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

I hear from people all the time and it infuriates me that 'President Obama's a brilliant politician.' No he absolutely is not.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

Secret Service agents wear suits to blend in with presidential visits, not stand out.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

As a proud former Secret Service agent, it's tough to stand by and watch the agency struggle.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

The average guy doesn't have an army of lobbyists and lawyers working on his behalf every day in the White House.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

There are no figures in the Trump campaign who colluded with Russia - but there were at least five in the Obama administration who helped push the bogus narratives of collusion and obstruction, and they have plenty of questions to answer.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

History picks interesting messengers.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

Accessibility and openness are good politics but bad security.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

One wrong move that appears to reveal a president ensconced in a White House bubble can lose an election, such as when President George H. W. Bush was criticized for expressing interest in the capabilities of a grocery-store scanner in the early 1990s.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

I don't live like liberals in a 5,000 square foot mansion.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

When you're a federal agent you don't get to arrest people for like $5.00 petty crimes or anything like that, they'll throw you right out of there.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

The media is done, they don't do journalism anymore, it's activism, nothing more, right?

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

The Democrats have no evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 president election.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

While capitalist countries have more inequality - they also have more wealth overall.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

Nicolas Maduro is a fraud. He is a fake. He is a charlatan.

Dan Bongino
Dan Bongino

New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez relies on a lot of economic ignorance to get you to believe what's not true could be true.