
[Père Henri is singing "Hound Dog" while sweeping snow from the courtyard]
Comte de Reynaud: A new addition to the liturgy?


Comte de Reynaud: Let me try to put this into perspective for you. The first Comte de Reynaud expelled all the radical Huguenots in this village. You and your truffles present a far lesser challenge.


[Anouk has come home from school upset]
Vianne Rocher: Anouk, just tell me what happened.
Anouk Rocher: Are you Satan's helper?
Vianne Rocher: Well, it... it's not easy, being different.
Anouk Rocher: Why can't we go to church?
Vianne Rocher: Well, you can if you want... but it

won't make things easier.
Anouk Rocher: Why can't you wear black shoes like the other mothers?


Vianne Rocher: Things could be different for you, Josephine. Serge doesn't run the world.
Josephine: He might as well.
Vianne Rocher: Is that what you believe?
Josephine: I know it.
Vianne Rocher: Oh. Well, then it must be... must be true. My mistake.


School Boy: My mother says you don't have a father.
Anouk Rocher: Sure I do, we just don't know who he is.


Père Henri: [hearing confession] What else?
Guillaume Blerot: Impure thoughts. The woman who runs the chocolaterie...
Père Henri: Vianne Rocher?
Guillaume Blerot: She suggested I buy chocolate sea shells for the widow Audel. And, well... I guess that got me to thinking, about the widow Audel.

Père Henri: At her age? At *your* age?
Guillaume Blerot: Yes, and yes.


Luc Clairmont: Grandmother, bonjour.
Armande Voizin: I, um... would you like a cup of, uh...
Luc Clairmont: No, no thank you. I'm just here to, uh... do a portrait.
Armande Voizin: Whose?
Vianne Rocher: Yours, actually. Is the light okay where she's sitting?


Storyteller: Even the Comte de Reynaud felt strangely... released. Although it would take another six months for him to work up the courage to ask Caroline out to dinner.


Roux: [taking time to thoroughly taste the earthworm he has just eaten] Subtle... Zesty? Disgusting.


Armande Voizin: Your cinnamon looks rancid.
Vianne Rocher: Well, it's not cinnamon, it's a special kind of chili pepper.
Armande Voizin: Chili pepper in hot chocolate? Psh.
Vianne Rocher: Mm-hm. It'll give you a lift.


Roux: [referring to the broken glass on her door] You know I can fix that if you like. Not with glass, but I can make a nice strong one out of wood.
Vianne Rocher: That's nice of you, but I insist on paying you for your work.
Roux: Well, that makes two of us then.


Francoise 'Fuffi' Drou: I heard she was some kind of radical.


Vianne Rocher: Would you care...
[clears throat]
Vianne Rocher: ... would you care to buy something special for your lady friend?
Guillaume Blerot: Lady friend?
Vianne Rocher: Mm-hmm, the lovely woman your dog was so fond of.
Guillaume Blerot: [smiles] Oh.

Rocher: Her favorite is chocolate seashells, that's my guess.
Guillaume Blerot: Oh, no, I mustn't. Madame Audel is in mourning for her husband.
Vianne Rocher: Oh. I'm sorry. When did he pass away?
Guillaume Blerot: The war. German grenade.
Vianne Rocher: Oh, I see. Well, it's been 15 years

since the war, so surely...
Guillaume Blerot: No, not that war. Monsieur Audel was killed on January the 12th, 1917. It was quite a blow to Madame Audel.
Vianne Rocher: Apparently so.


Vianne Rocher: I have two announcements. Number one, if you enjoyed what you ate here, you're going to love my chocolate festival on Sunday.
Armande Voizin: Advertise on your own time. What's for dessert?
Vianne Rocher: That brings me to number two. It is my duty to announce, that there is no dessert here tonight.

sound disappointed]
Vianne Rocher: Because it's on Roux's boat.
[uncomfortable silence]
Armande Voizin: Any complaints, see me.


Armande Voizin: I've got something for you, boy. I've been carrying it around since your last birthday. It's a book of poetry.
Luc Clairmont: Oh. Thank you.
Armande Voizin: You don't like poetry?
Luc Clairmont: Oh no, no, of course. I do.
Armande Voizin: Neither do I. It's not that kind

of poetry.


Roux: How does Anouk feel about it?
Vianne Rocher: What?
Roux: All the moving around.
Vianne Rocher: Oh, she's fine. She handles it beautifully, she makes friends easily, she's such an unusual...
[looks at Roux]
Vianne Rocher: She hates it.
[on the verge of tears]

Vianne Rocher: She hates it.
[Roux draws closer and kisses her]


Josephine: If you leave, everything will go back to the way it was.
Vianne Rocher: Everything *is* the way it was.
Josephine: Not for me!


Francoise 'Fuffi' Drou: How is the Comtesse enjoying Italy?
Comte de Reynaud: She may be extending her trip.
Francoise 'Fuffi' Drou: Ah... Very nice.


[last lines]
Vianne Rocher: As for Badouff, his leg miraculously healed, and he hopped off in search of new adventures. I didn't miss him.


Armande Voizin: [reading poetry to Luc] It's perfectly wretched, isn't it?
Luc Clairmont: Perfectly.