Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Kate: Captain.
Steve Rogers: Neighbor.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

[looking at portraits of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Howard Stark, Chester Phillips, and Peggy Carter]
Natasha Romanoff: That's Stark's father. Who's the girl?
[Steve looks at Agent Carter's portrait, and moves off quietly]

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Steve Rogers: Arnim Zola was a German scientist who worked with the Red Skull. He's been dead for years.
Dr. Arnim Zola: [inside a machine] First correction, I am Swiss. Second, look around you, I have never been more alive! In 1972, I received a terminal diagnosis. Science could not save my body. My mind, however, that was worth saving... on two hundred

thousand feet of data banks! You are standing in my brain!

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Nick Fury: [at his own grave] If anyone asks for me, tell them I'm right here...

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Dr. Arnim Zola: Cut off one head two more shall take its place.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Sam Wilson: You must miss the good old days, huh?
Steve Rogers: Well, things aren't so bad. Food's a lot better; we used to boil everything. No polio is good. Internet, so helpful. I've been reading that a lot trying to catch up.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

[Captain America and Batroc fight]
Georges Batroc: [In French] I thought you were more than a shield.
[the Captain puts the shield on his back and takes off his mask]
Steve Rogers: [in French] We'll see.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Jasper Sitwell: Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers.
Steve Rogers: You're right. It's not. It's hers.
[Natasha throws Sitwell off the roof]
Natasha Romanoff: Oh, wait. What about that girl from accounting, Laura, Lisa...?

Steve Rogers: Lillian. Lip piercing, right?
Natasha Romanoff: Yeah, she's cute.
Steve Rogers: Yeah, I'm not ready for that.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Nick Fury: [sees cops staring at him] Wanna see my lease?

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Nick Fury: Tetradoxine B. Reduces the pulse to one heartbeat a minute. Banner made it for his stress-related issues. It didn't go well for him, but we found uses for it.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Brock Rumlow: This is going to hurt. There are no prisoners with HYDRA. Just order. And order only comes with pain. You ready for yours?
Sam Wilson: Man, shut the hell up!

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Dr. Arnim Zola: HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What we did not realize was that if you tried to take that freedom, they resist. The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly. After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded, and I was recruited. The new HYDRA grew, a beautiful parasite inside

S.H.I.E.L.D. For 70 years, HYDRA has been secretly feeding crises, reaping war. And when history did not cooperate, history was changed.
Natasha Romanoff: That's impossible. S.H.I.E.L.D. would've stopped you.
Dr. Arnim Zola: Accidents will happen. HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its

security. Once the purification process is complete, HYDRA's New World Order will arise. We won, Captain. Your death amounts to the same as your life, a zero sum!

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Sam Wilson: [after a VA meeting] Well, if it isn't the Running Man.
Steve Rogers: I saw the last few minutes; it was intense.
Sam Wilson: Yeah, brother, we all got the same problems. Guilt, regret...
Steve Rogers: You lose someone?
Sam Wilson: My wingman, Riley. Fly in the night

mission. A standard PJ rescue op, nothing we hadn't done a thousand times before, till an RPG knocks Riley's dumb ass out of the sky. Nothing I could do. It's like I was up there just to watch.
Steve Rogers: I'm sorry.
Sam Wilson: After that, I had a really hard time finding a reason for being over there, you know?

Rogers: But you're happy now, back in the world?
Sam Wilson: Hey, the number of people giving me orders is down to about zero. So, hell, yeah. You thinking about getting out?
Steve Rogers: No. I don't know. To be honest, I don't know what I would do with myself if I did.
Sam Wilson: Ultimate fighting?

Sam Wilson: It's just a great idea off the top of my head. But seriously, you could do whatever you want to do. What makes you happy?
Steve Rogers: [Caught off guard by the question] I don't know.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Alexander Pierce: [sees the Soldier in his dining room] Want some milk?

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Brock Rumlow: Whoa, big guy. I just want you to know, Cap, this isn't personal!
[tries to attack Rogers, gets knocked out]
Steve Rogers: It kind of feels personal.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Steve Rogers: This is it?
[sees he's at his old army base]
Natasha Romanoff: Well, the file came from these coordinates.
Steve Rogers: So did I.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

[Steve smashes in Zola's screen]
Dr. Arnim Zola: [appears on another screen] As I was saying...

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Natasha Romanoff: First rule of going on the run is: "Don't run. Walk."
Steve Rogers: [in a pair of loose shoes] If I run in these shoes they're going to fall off.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Jasper Sitwell: Zola'a algorithm is a program for choosing Insight's targets.
Steve Rogers: What targets?
Jasper Sitwell: You! A TV anchor in Cairo, the Under Secretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa City, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA. Now, or in the future.

Rogers: In the future? How could it know?
Jasper Sitwell: How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola told HYDRA how to read it. Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, emails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores! Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future.
Steve Rogers: And what then?

Jasper Sitwell: Oh, my God. Pierce is gonna kill me.
Steve Rogers: What then?
Jasper Sitwell: Then the Insight helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Brock Rumlow: The target is a mobile satellite launch platform: The Lemurian Star. It was sending up their last payload when pirates took them, ninety-three minutes ago.
Steve Rogers: Any demands?
Brock Rumlow: A billion and a half.
Steve Rogers: Why so steep?
Brock Rumlow: Because it's

Steve Rogers: [sighs] So it's not off course; it's trespassing.
Natasha Romanoff: I'm sure they have a good reason.
Steve Rogers: You know, I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor.