Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

In Sept of 2013 I was diagnosed as having an aggressive form of stage 2 endometrial cancer. I underwent a rigorous treatment program that included a radical hysterectomy followed with chemo and radiation therapy.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

I am very grateful to have beaten my cancer, but it has been tough adjusting to my new normal.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

Due to my genetic predisposition to certain cancers and having experienced the travails of my mom and grandmother in their battles against this awful disease, I wanted to use my platform to raise awareness and funds for crucial research for these below-the-belt cancers.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

At the end of the day what matters most is that we can cut through the pettiness and drama when it really counts and support each other.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

I am the third generation of women in my family to be struck with a gynecologic cancer. Because of this legacy, we have been genetically tested.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

I unfortunately tested positive for Lynch Syndrome, so I have been checked at least annually and sometimes twice a year.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

Lyme disease is very debilitating. Being from the East Coast I know Lyme disease is quite common and may lay dormant and may produce flu-like symptoms, as well as neurological issues.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

It's in poor taste to question anyone's illness diagnosed through specific testing by their doctor.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

Certain family matters should always remain private within the family.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

Sometimes I've said things that I shouldn't have.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

I've learned It 's better to address conflicts head on and then move on.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

Listen, not all of us are proud of what we say or do at times.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

I love when we just let our hair down, get a little goofy and just be girls.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

I'm just so grateful I had a wonderful surrogate who carried our two children. I have two amazing angels in my life that I love so much. They are such a gift and a blessing from God.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

If you can't get pregnant for whatever reason, it's great to know that there are options available for people that want to have a family.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

If we can forgive, it will help us to grow and not remain stagnant in the same place. Then we can move on without animosity and hurt feelings.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

Having a mother with an illness and being there for her, and being there for my children I just realize how precious life is.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

Visiting anyone post-surgery for the first time can be traumatic.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

My life and focus are my children, and caring for my mother with her health issues. So when I'm with my friends I want to enjoy their company and not get wrapped up in the distractions.

Camille Grammer
Camille Grammer

I want peace in my life.