Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

For me, governing starts with people. It doesn't start with bureaucracy. It doesn't start with policy. It starts with people and what people need to thrive.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

Part of what makes Minneapolis such a vibrant place to live and work is that we have active residents of all ages.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

For the residents of Minneapolis, the loss of Prince is too large to describe. His music brought untold joy to people all over the world. But in Minneapolis, it is different. It is harder here.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

Prince was a child of our city, and his love of his hometown permeated many of his songs. Our pride in his accomplishments permeates our love of Minneapolis.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

The world has a truly historic pope in Francis.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

I don't have cable. I don't have a DVR.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

I lift weights. It's one of the reasons I get up so early.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

I am very aware that I married up, and I'm lucky for it every day.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

As mayor, I'm charged with a big-picture agenda.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

Rightly or wrongly, as a woman in politics, you're being judged for what you're wearing, and people are paying attention to that more than they do with men.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

As mayor in an executive position, I have to dress more like an executive, which has been delightful.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

When Trump's cronies are the people attacking you, you know you've done something right.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

If Donald Trump wants to harm cities and the people who call them home, he'll have to come through me.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

How we live our lives in the Western world has impacts on the rest of the world.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

I am very clear with people that I am willing and able to make tough choices, and I will do that.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

I have the greatest respect for Chief Harteau. I was a very firm supporter of hers when her nomination was brought forward, and I think that her goals and values are in line with mine when it comes to the Police Department.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

My mother's first career was physical therapy, her second was writer, and her third career was president of an organic fertilizer company. And she's driven a tank.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

Done right, precision can help clarify, plus it's fun.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

There are some folks at the teacher's union who aren't big fans of mine, in part, because I have been open and want to make sure everybody is sitting at the table as we talk about education.

Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

Too often when we talk about racial or economic justice, we white people do not see ourselves in the picture. We feel like it's all well and good for other people to do better, but not at our expense, and it won't benefit us.