Basil Hume
Basil Hume

Know how to 'cling' to him in prayer, and then you will see the face of Christ more clearly in those whom you are called to serve.

Basil Hume
Basil Hume

Moral choices do not depend on personal preference and private decision but on right reason and, I would add, divine order.

Basil Hume
Basil Hume

When we are truly praying, then we can begin to see Christ in our neighbour; when we are really praying, we can begin to live for the Father.

Basil Hume
Basil Hume

It is not because we are drawn to prayer that we first begin to pray; more often, we have to begin prayer, and then the taste and the desire for it come.

Basil Hume
Basil Hume

On the whole, monks do not become famous - and that is a good thing - but monasteries do - and that is an excellent thing. In other words, it is the community that matters.

Basil Hume
Basil Hume

Even though you find yourself in an intolerable position, one in which you think you have no right to be, accept it here and now as the Cross; then, later, you can plan how to do better.