Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

Russian President Vladimir Putin's traditionalist-nationalist rhetoric, which blames secularism, diversity and internationalism for the weakening of Western democracies, gives voice to the grievances that American hate groups have felt for so long.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

As a former FBI counterintelligence agent who investigated foreign propaganda cases, I’ve seen firsthand how foreign intelligence services leverage American freedoms - and the constitutional limitations on the FBI’s investigative power - to their advantage.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

If there’s one thing that lawyers know about reading documents, it’s to pay attention to the footnotes. In fact, oftentimes the most important information is buried there.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

In 1978, Congress passed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after hearings exposed the F.B.I.’s egregious practice of illegally spying on civil rights leaders, black nationalists, Communists and Vietnam War protesters.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

In the case of someone sharing classified information with foreign intelligence, for example, the FBI could surreptitiously ensure that they are no longer able to obtain sensitive information.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

Field offices are evaluated in part based on their success in following through on leads and making cases that result in arrests and convictions. No case agent worth their salt would remain quiet if their cases were closed in the face of a continuing threat.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

FYI, there are basically only three things besides a vest that will stop a bullet: a tree trunk, the engine block of a car, and a U.S. mailbox: if you are ever caught in gunfire, find one of those.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

In response to Russia’s election hacking, the U.S. expelled not just one, but 35 spies posing as diplomats - the strongest response ever to a cyberattack against the U.S.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

The F.B.I. pursues cases against individuals and organizations, not topics - this allows each case to have the flexibility to go in the direction the evidence leads, regardless of what happens with other, related cases.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

Counterintelligence is, in effect, chasing ghosts, which is why the tools used to investigate foreign intelligence activity are secret, like human sources or electronic surveillance.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

Under the dual sovereignty principle, the Fifth Amendment’s prohibition on double jeopardy - which prevents the government from trying someone twice for the same crime - doesn’t apply if the second trial is by a different 'sovereign' - in this case, the state.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

It’s no surprise that whether by blocking visas or building walls, there are parts of the country desperate to hang on to a vision of the United States that is rapidly disappearing from their TV screens as well as their neighborhoods.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

The aim of a foreign intelligence service is to find and convince individuals to help them achieve intelligence objectives.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

When it comes to the separation of powers, the Constitution makes it look pretty simple: Congress makes the laws, the president enforces them and the judiciary adjudicates them. In reality, though, the lines between the branches are a little blurrier than they seem on paper.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

My parents came under a provision where the government was specially looking for doctors, because the Vietnam war was happening and many doctors were overseas.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

I’m a process person. Process is a manifestation of values.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

The Espionage Act is very broadly written. It doesn't make distinguish - or it doesn't make distinctions between categories of people that can receive and publish information and under what circumstances.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

Facebook’s greatest strength - its ability to identify and connect like-minded people - is also a major vulnerability.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

Facebook is primarily a mechanism for bonding, not bridging. Studies show that in the vast majority of cases, people live in self-made echo chambers on Facebook that reinforce their existing views of the world.

Asha Rangappa
Asha Rangappa

Consistent positive interactions increase levels of trust in the relationship, so that when conflict arises, there are enough 'reserves' in place to make a withdrawal, but still leave the relationship in a net-positive place.