Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

We're living in extraordinary times, all the time. The issues that assail us are perennial. They haven't changed since the Greeks picked up a pen.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

Be more ambitious. Do your homework. There's no easy way around this.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

Since my student days, I'd been a fan of those books with titles like 'Great Speeches that Changed the World,' as I loved the idea that the right person with the right words at the right time could really make a difference.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

I often find that writers who disavow the importance of an ending are just not very good at endings.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

It's impossible to make a living in the arts unless you make a fortune. There's almost no in-between. Writers are either broke or rolling in it. Oddly, you can't tell them apart.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

No murder or sin or act of barbarism or cruelty has ever been committed by a person fully absorbed in the reading of a book. By this fact alone, we can conclude that readers are nicer people, at least until they put the book down. When we are reading, we are better.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

When I was growing up in the '80s and working in the theater, David Mamet exploded with a whole new reworking of what dialogue should sound like. It was punchy and raw and repetitive, bursting with dynamic. I remember that switching on a lot of lights for me.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

Commercial success and quality are not necessarily allied.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

I was born to a very large family, one of 7 kids. I grew up with carnivals and chaos all around me, so I can write anywhere.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

You can't write a character more brilliant than yourself. It's just not physically possible.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

Most writers live in self-imposed exile, even when they don't leave their country. They prefer the undiscovered country inside their own heads.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

As you get older, you become more vain. But as your looks slowly deteriorate, your eyesight worsens, so it all balances out.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

I have three favorite cities: London, Wellington, and Los Angeles. What makes them so good? The friends who live there.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

Truth is seldom appreciated and never understood, whereas a flattering lie is always appreciated and instantly understood.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

My routine is to create activities for myself unrelated to writing that allow little time for writing. This means that when I do get the chance to write, it is like a stolen luxury, something clandestine and almost forbidden.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

Reading is essential to human life. When the last reader dies, humanity will be at an end.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

At 17, I wanted to be a rock star.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

The New Zealand sense of humor is tough and realistic. Jokes are not surreal; they are about life and death and tough decisions.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

If we did not have the impulse and ability to believe in the impossible, we would not have religion, democracy, or marriage.

Anthony McCarten
Anthony McCarten

I am so superstitious that I think even discussing this subject is dangerous and will probably bring me terrible luck. Having been raised a Catholic, superstition becomes almost part of your DNA. The challenge is to slowly rid yourself of these little delusions.