Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

I think Caesar is one of the most empathetic characters that I've played. I think that's the key to a successful leadership. Being able to keep your ears open at all times.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

I've always thought of acting as a tool to change society. I watch a lot of actors and I see panic in their eyes because they don't know why they act and I know why I act. Whether I'm a good or a bad actor, I know why I do it.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

I'd like to think that we strive in film and theatre to tell great stories, and I believe in the power of storytelling in our culture.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

Gollum is entirely based on the notion of addiction. The way that the ring pervades him, makes him craving, lustful, depletes him physically, psychologically and mentally.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

I think I'd like to be a lion tamer, actually. That - that would provide the most audience entertainment if something went really badly.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

The whole chameleon thing about acting. That's why I'm moving towards directing - it's a much more healthy occupation.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

Performance capture is a technology, not a genre; it's just another way of recording an actor's performance.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

We've never had nannies. We've had great grandparents, great support from family, and the kids have been on every set: they've seen me play Gollum, King Kong, Captain Haddock, the lot. They totally get it, and they want to go into the business. Ruby, my daughter, is very keen to become an actress.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

What's wonderful about Tolkien and Shakespeare is that they show up your own individual microscope. They're so infinitely vast. You can reinterpret them in so many ways.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

Mountaineering has always been a huge hobby of mine.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

I had to relearn how to ride a horse like an ape. I had to change how I jumped off and how I gripped them with my thighs and distribute my weight differently.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

I'm in the early stages of a film called 'Freezing Time' about Eadweard Muybridge, the Victorian photographer who was really the forefather of cinema. Digital animators still treat his images like the Bible. He was a very obsessed man.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

I stayed in Baghdad every summer until I was 14. My dad's sister is still there, but many of my relatives have managed to get out. People forget that there are still people there who are not radicalized in any particular direction, trying to live normal lives in a very difficult situation.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

If you are not moved by the character, no amount of CGI will give you a performance that is emotionally engaging or devastating - what a live-action performance does.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

Playing a character in a video game is different to other performances because your character can't lead the audience of players in one direction.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

Any sort of role requires a certain amount of research and embodiment of the character and psychological investigation.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

Great actors like Willem Dafoe and Ellen Page and Samuel L. Jackson will go and do a videogame, because they understand that storytelling isn't just necessarily about filmmaking.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

Games aren't going to go away. BAFTA's got a category for games as an art form. The Academy should think about that, too.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

I can get on with all different sorts of people, and I never feel homesick, particularly, or I've never felt kind of patriotic towards any one country.

Andy Serkis
Andy Serkis

Gorillas are still wild creatures. That's made very clear when you observe them in nature. They charge and perform other displays that are terrifying by design. But they don't attack unless they feel threatened.