Allen Klein
Allen Klein

Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

You may not be able to change a situation, but with humor you can change your attitude about it.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

A little perspective, like a little humor, goes a long way.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

No matter what has happened, you too have the power to enjoy yourself.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

Children remind us to treasure the smallest of gifts, even in the most difficult of times.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

Research has shown that people who volunteer often live longer.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

Throughout history, great leaders have known the power of humor.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

It has been said that 80% of what people learn is visual.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

Humor can alter any situation and help us cope at the very instant we are laughing.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

I contend that not only can you laugh at adversity, but it is essential to do so if you are to deal with setbacks without defeat.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

Humor can be one of our best survival tools.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

Humor does not diminish the pain - it makes the space around it get bigger.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

Zen teaches that once we can open up to the inevitability of our demise, we can begin to transform that situation and lighten up about it.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

Laughter, and the broader category of humor, are key elements in helping us go on with our life after a loss.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

To a child, often the box a toy came in is more appealing than the toy itself.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

And, unlike the earlier bombing on the World Trade Center, a major landmark and symbol of the strength of the financial world was, not just damaged but, totally destroyed.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

While most of us know that we feel better after a good hearty laugh, science, in many cases, is yet to prove why.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

The tragedy of September 11th was so sudden, so enormous, and so horrendous, both in terms of lives lost and global consequences, that this country and the world went into immediate and prolonged shock.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

Laughter can help relieve tension in even the heaviest of matters.

Allen Klein
Allen Klein

Sometimes it takes ten seconds to see some humor in your dilemmas, sometimes ten years.