Alicia Villarreal
Alicia Villarreal

Like Juan Gabriel and Ana Gabriel, both singers and songwriters of legendary talent, Marco Antonio has reshaped a kind of Mexican romanticism. What he brings to pop music is the kind of songs that really talk to people's hearts.

Alicia Villarreal
Alicia Villarreal

I know someone young whose husband left her for another woman. He later came back and wanted to rekindle the relationship. It was too late. His ex-wife had found someone else. Good for her.

Alicia Villarreal
Alicia Villarreal

My first album was all rock. I used to sing rock en espanol, but I don't think many people remember that.

Alicia Villarreal
Alicia Villarreal

Grupo Limite is always going to be a major highlight of my life. We worked so hard, sometimes touring for 10 months at a time.

Alicia Villarreal
Alicia Villarreal

Through music, I think we can inspire each other.