Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

I go into work and get my hair and makeup done, go into wardrobe. I have to do three hours of school a day.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

The words are ludicrous at times, but you add the reality to it and that gives it the balance it has.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

If you want to do something, then you do it. If you don't want to do something, don't just do it because your friends are doing it, or because all the popular kids are doing it.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

We're not going to dumb down for them. They have to move up. They're the network and we're the show.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

There are definitely a lot of roles I didn't get based off of the way I look, but I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm going to write stories for myself or work with filmmakers who want to tell stories about real people.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

I usually play grounded, has-their-head-on-straight kind of sassy girls.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

We don't have a laugh track, which helped Seinfeld a lot, and did kind of tell people when to laugh. It just made it a lot easier. Our show doesn't have that, so it's hard for Middle America to catch on.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

I don't think it's good to say that you won't do certain things, but I don't necessarily have the natural urge to write.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

On American TV, there just aren't a lot of female leads in comedy, especially at the peak of all the Judd Apatow stuff.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

The main thing I got from growing up in a suburb is the boredom you have as a child.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

If we give something value, it becomes valuable.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

I grew up in Palm Springs, California, which is a suburb like a desert town, and I love it.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

In my opinion FOX is known for being a network that just advertises, and that's pretty much how they get their viewers.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

When I get a new script my mom will read them and just be aghast. I think it's hysterical.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

Right when I turned 18, I moved to New York, originally for school, and then dropped out and just lived in New York.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

Kids can be harsh, especially when they get jealous.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

I was a late bloomer.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

Mitch Hurwitz was like a father figure to me. He was so sweet, and he's just so smart.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

But I love singing, and I've been singing backup for friends' bands.

Alia Shawkat
Alia Shawkat

I would do a movie musical.