AJ Lee
AJ Lee

To this day, I like the version of movies that don't have the curse words. I'm very reserved that way.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

From a young age, I felt like I was supposed to be the sort of female who is doing something strong.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

I think everything I've tried to do, whether or not it's come off that way immediately, is for the greater good. I'll take the jabs I need to in order to help us all in the long run.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

When I harnessed its seemingly uncontrollable might, I realized bipolar disorder's powers could be used for good. My diagnosis didn't have to be an affliction. It could simply be the gift of extraordinary emotions.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

I've been a rescue dog mom several times and occasionally found comfort in scrolling through pictures of animals on various adoption center websites, just to fantasize about adding to the family.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

I've always wanted to entertain people, and when I was in school, I was interested in creative writing, but wrestling was always there. When I ran into financial problems, I just figured when life gives you lemons, you have to make lemonade.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

For me, Jersey represents going through what you can go through and still surviving. That's the cool thing about people from the Tri-State area. We're fighters. We're survivors, and we're edgier than anyone else on Earth.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

I used to be naive. I didn't realize the value of being a whole performer... People start to care about you when they know more about you and see different aspects of your personality.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

I think the important thing is that I've never tried to be someone I'm not. People can read right through that.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

When you see me on TV against one of the other girls, they look 10 times better than me, and I'm OK with that. I make a conscious effort not to wear that much makeup and not have my hair so perfectly groomed. That's just not me. I'm not going to be perfect.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

It's funny because there's a part of me that, if something is popular, I sort of become a defiant teenager about it. Like, 'Oh, I'm not gonna like that because everybody likes it.'

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

It wasn't cool that I didn't comb my hair and had books and wore glasses. It was never cool be a nerd and tomboy, and these days, it really is. And I'm like, 'You guys have no idea what I went through.' How many times my mother yelled at me to comb my hair.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

Side note: When I dressed up like Harley Quinn on TV a long time ago, everyone was like, 'Who is that?' And now she's got an entire merchandise line.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

When I was really little, I wanted to be a wrestler so I could be like the girls I looked up to. My brother then told me that 'You don't want to be like your idols; you want to grow up and be better than them.' To this day, that's the best piece of advice I've ever gotten.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

The trick is for Divas to find what works for them. I've done some ridiculous stuff in my career, but there's still nothing that's gotten a reaction as big as me skipping around the ring.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

The key is to be a personality outside of the ring and then bring that personality with you inside the ring.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

My only window into the Internet is Twitter because I am afraid of the Internet. I need my mom to hold my hand if I'm going to read anything about me.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

I remember when I was that girl crying because I was so excited to finally meet Lita. To have girls crying over me is surreal.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

I want to be known for this character on TV two nights a week, and then I want to go away and live my life in private.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

I've lived in so many different towns - Guttenberg, Union City, West New York, Jersey City. We didn't have a lot of money, and we'd get kicked out of places a lot.