Julie Adams
Julie Adams

I think the best thing about the picture is that we do feel for the Creature. We feel for him and his predicament and where he is and so on. I think that’s a very positive thing really. I like that we feel sympathy for the Creature.

Ryan Adams
Ryan Adams

These things inside me, they repeat like broken recordsSpinning pretty things behind my eyesAnd when I can't look at youI can paint your picture perfectly in my mindAnd when I get oldI'm gonna miss you all the time.

Brian Aldiss
Brian Aldiss

They came, by what means he did not know, from outside, the vast abstraction that none of them had ever seen. He had a mental picture of a starry void in which men and monsters swam or battled, and then swiftly erased it. Such ideas did not conform with the quiet behavior of his companions; if they never spoke about outside, did they think about it?

Nelson Algren
Nelson Algren

I'm not against sentimentality. I think you need it. I mean, I don't think you get a true picture of people without it in writing… It's a kind of poetry, it's an emotional poetry, and, to bring it back to the literary scene, I don't think anything is true that doesn't have it, that doesn't have poetry in it.

Loujain Al-Hathlool
Loujain Al-Hathlool

Lately, I appeared in some foreign media channels, which resulted in more attacks against me, and the number of threats of murder or physical harm against me have increased due to the creation of ugly hashtags by instigators, for the purpose of inciting and mobilizing followers against me; this does not represent a tolerant society at all. In these interviews, I spoke about my experience and what

I went through personally, and I always ended what I said with my optimism towards the future of the Kingdom and its youth, but - unfortunately - this part was usually omitted during the editing stages of said interviews. What the majority does not know is that, for the past 4 years, I have refused to appear in interviews with foreign media channels, because I knew of the threat that they pose to

individuals and for fear of being used as a media tool wrongfully, as well as the tendency of some reporters to paint an ugly picture of Saudi Arabia by exploiting and cutting out parts of what is being said by its citizens - especially those who were part of the Kingdom's scholarship program - without any attempt to show the full picture in a fair and professional manner.

Ilona Andrews
Ilona Andrews

I tried to picture a female version of Jim and got Jim in a dress instead. The image was disturbing.

Ilona Andrews
Ilona Andrews

Mom?" Mother turned to Grandmother.
"She's going to lunch with her kidnapper!"
"Take a picture for me," Grandma said.

Susan Brownell Anthony
Susan Brownell Anthony

Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel…the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood.

Diane Arbus
Diane Arbus

For me, the subject of the picture is always more important than the picture.

Diane Arbus
Diane Arbus

A picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know.