
I waited for the right project for the right time and it just came together.


I love baths. Absolutely love baths. I like to just draw a nice warm bath with a lot of bubbles, get a few sweets, maybe put them by the bath, put on really good music and chill.


I have black-out shades in my apartment, I push a button, it’s totally dark. I think I’m a bit of a vampire in real life, and there are times when I just want to be myself. I wanna be alone.


It was a painful time for me and my family. That's why I'm proud to say I'm a strong person. I'm a survivor and I can handle anything. I'm very confident about that. I come from a very strong family and they are always there to protect me. If I need any help I'll just call on my mummy or daddy or my brother to whom I'm very close.

Daayiee Abdullah
Daayiee Abdullah

Some don’t believe that homosexuals can be pious. But we can be just as good at our faith as anyone else. We are simply different from other folks, not less committed to our faith.

Anna Andrejewna Achmatowa
Anna Andrejewna Achmatowa

You do not know just what you've been forgiven.

Anna Andrejewna Achmatowa
Anna Andrejewna Achmatowa

I know beginnings, I know endings too,
and life-in-death, and something else
I'd rather not recall just now.

Anna Andrejewna Achmatowa
Anna Andrejewna Achmatowa

And the just man trailed God's shining agent,
over a black mountain, in his giant track,
while a restless voice kept harrying his woman:
"It's not too late, you can still look back
at the red towers of your native Sodom,
the square where once you sang, the spinning-shed,
at the empty windows set in the tall house
where sons and daughters blessed your marriage-bed."

Kathy Acker
Kathy Acker

I think writing is basically about time and rhythm. Like with jazz. You have your basic melody and then you just riff off of it.

Kathy Acker
Kathy Acker

Every book, remember, is dead until a reader activates it by reading. Every time that you read you are walking among the dead, and, if you are listening, you just might hear prophecies.