Robert K. Adair
Robert K. Adair

Much of the subtlety of baseball is derived from the fact that so much of the game is played in the region between definitely smooth flow and definitely turbulent flow, at ball velocities greater than 50 mph and smaller than 120 mph.

Dschamal ad-Din al-Afghani
Dschamal ad-Din al-Afghani

The world is a game of chess; the loser loses and the winner wins.

Al Capone
Al Capone

I'm tired of gang murders and gang shootings. It's a tough life to lead. You fear death at every moment, and worse than death, you fear the rats of the game who'd run around and tell the police if you don't constantly satisfy them with money and favors.

Al Capone
Al Capone

I want peace, and I will live and let live. I'm like any other man. I've been in this racket long enough to realize that a man in my game must take the breaks, the fortunes of war. I haven't had any peace of mind in years. Every minute I'm in danger of death.

Scholem Alejchem
Scholem Alejchem

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.

Steve Allen
Steve Allen

Sports fans, I have the final score for you on the big game between Harvard and William & Mary. It is: Harvard 14, William 12, Mary 6.

Nayef R. F. Al-Rodhan
Nayef R. F. Al-Rodhan

In a globalized world, security can no longer be thought of as a zero-sum game involving states alone. Global security, instead, has five dimensions that include human, environmental, national, transnational, and transcultural security, and, therefore, global security and the security of any state or culture cannot be achieved without good governance at all levels that guarantees security through

justice for all individuals, states, and cultures.

Gillian Anderson
Gillian Anderson

Dear Gillian,

You are completely and utterly self obsessed. If you spent a quarter of your time thinking about others instead of how much you hate your thighs, your level of contentment and self worth would expand exponentially. One thing I learned way too late in the game for my own good was that you can effectively increase your self esteem by doing estimable things.

Ilona Andrews
Ilona Andrews

Why could nothing with Kate be simple? Why couldn’t Jim ever just come by to tell me that he had bowled a perfect game or benched a personal best.
Maybe finally asked that weird tiger girl out.

Eiji Aonuma
Eiji Aonuma

I don’t play a lot of video games outside of work because for me video games are work. There are a lot of things I choose to do with my free time besides play games. But whenever I do hear about something interesting – if there is a new game that has a particularly interesting hook – that is something I will want to spend some time playing. But when it comes to genre, I definitely don’t

specify one particular genre that I’m interested in. I’ll absolutely play anything in regards to genre.