Morita Akio
Morita Akio

The concept of lifetime employment arose when Japanese managers and employees both realized that they had much in common and that they had to make some long-range plans.

Morita Akio
Morita Akio

We want to keep the company healthy and its employees happy, and we want to keep them on the job and productive.

Morita Akio
Morita Akio

The most important mission for a Japanese manager is to develop a healthy relationship with his employees, to create a familylike feeling within the corporation, a feeling that employees and managers share the same fate.

Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani
Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani

Dhirubhai will go one day. But Reliance's employees and shareholders will keep it afloat. Reliance is now a concept in which the Ambanis have become irrelevant.

Chris Argyris
Chris Argyris

Once employees base their motivation on extrinsic factors they are much less likely to take chances, question established policies and practices, or explore the territory that lies beyond the company vision as defined by management.

Chris Argyris
Chris Argyris

But today's dilemmas are even harder to deal with: autonomy vs. control; innovation vs. no surprises; participation and ownership vs. meeting deadlines; and job security vs. excess employees through job design

Chris Argyris
Chris Argyris

Most people define learning too narrowly as mere problem-solving”, so they focus on identifying and correcting errors in the external environment. Solving problems is important. But if learning is to persist, managers and employees must also look inward. The need to reflect critically on their own behaviour, identify the ways they often inadvertently contribute to the organisation’s problems,

and then change how they act.