Roger Ailes
Roger Ailes

They are, of course, Nazis. They have a kind of Nazi attitude. They are the left wing of Nazism. These guys don't want any other point of view. They don't even feel guilty using tax dollars to spout their propaganda. They are basically Air America with government funding to keep them alive.

Mukesh Ambani
Mukesh Ambani

We are working at putting the most modern technology in farms at Indian costs. I always say whatever the US implements in dollars we should be able to do it at exchange rate of Rs 10, then we would be globally competitive.

Mukesh Ambani
Mukesh Ambani

We offer to protect their savings in a job here. If you earn $100,000 a year there, you also spend $80,000 and save $15,000-$20,000. We say, if you work for us in India, we will ensure you save $15,000 dollars a year and are part of something exciting without a loss to you.

Clement Attlee
Clement Attlee

In the circumstances it is much to be regretted that the men have not as yet responded generally to the call to return to work. A hold up of the food supplies of London will inevitably cause hardship and grave inconvenience to millions of ​householders; but this is by no means the end of the damage. The handling of the country's overseas trade normally stretches to the limit the capacity of our

available shipping. A hold up of any length delays the turn-round of ships and cannot be made up subsequently. The stoppage cuts millions of dollars and other needed foreign currency off our earnings—and cuts them off finally. Already the prospect of attaining this month's export target is affected, the gap in the balance of our payments is widened and the pace of national recovery slowed down.

I cannot believe that the general body of strikers have hitherto realised the true consequences of their action. They should return to work and allow any grievances they may feel to be dealt with by the proper machinery.


Ich kamen Amerika Flughafen an mit Kleidern, US Dollars und ein Krug mit Zigeunertränen um mich vor AIDS zu schützen.

Bring mir den Kopf von Alfredo Garcia
Bring mir den Kopf von Alfredo Garcia

Wenn ihr wiederkommt, geht nicht zu sparsam mit euren Dollars um. Wer sich amüsieren will, der muß auch was springen lassen.


"Aber ich hab sie doch nicht." Das ist völlig unmöglich, Mrs.Lampert. Sie sind die Einzige, die es haben kann." "Mr. Bartholomew, wenn ich eine viertel Million Dollars besäße, dann wüßte ich es bestimmt." "Trotzdem, Mrs. Lampert: Sie haben es!"


Selbst Ströme schöner Worte und Niagarafälle harter Dollars führen nur zu Enttäuschung, Verbitterung und gespannten Beziehungen, wenn sie nicht in richtiger Form verteilt werden. Wir begrüßen amerikanische Hilfe auf der Grundlage gegenseitigen Nutzens, aber wir sind fest entschlossen, uns nicht durch materielle Vorteile irgendeinen Sektor unserer schwer erkämpften Freiheit abkaufen zu
