Armen Alchian
Armen Alchian

Alchian: Two things you [Hayek] wrote that had a personal influence on me, after your Prices and Production, were 'Individualism and Economic Order' [sic — Alchian certainly has in mind Hayek's 'Economics and Knowledge'] and 'The Use of Knowledge in Society.' These I would regard as your two best articles, best in terms of their influence on me.
Hayek: 'Economics and Knowledge' — the '37

one — which is reprinted in the volume, is the one which marks the new look at things in my way.
Alchian: It was new to you, too, then? Was it a change in your own thinking?
Hayek: Yes, it was really the beginning of my looking at things in a new light. … I was aware that I was putting down things which were fairly well known in a new form, and perhaps it was the most exciting moment in

my career when I saw it [i. e. 'Economics and Knowledge'] in print.
Alchian: Well, I'm delighted to hear you say that, because I had that copy typed up to mimeograph for my students in the first course I gave here [i. e. UCLA]. And Allan Wallace … came through town one day, and I said, 'Allan, I've got a great article!" He looked at it, started to laugh, and said, "I've seen it too; it's just

phenomenal!' I'm just delighted to hear you say that it was exciting, because it was to me, too … that was a very influential article, I must say.


Bringt mir diesen Wallace her. Lebend gut, tot ist auch gut.


"Ich bin William Wallace." - "William Wallace ist 2 Meter groß!" - "Ja, hab ich gehört. Er kann Männer zu hunderten umbringen. Und wenn er bei uns wäre, hätte er den Feind schon lange mit Feuerbällen aus seinen Augen verzehrt und mit Blitzschlägen aus seinem Arsch!"


Ihr habt mit Wallace geblutet... nun blutet mit mir!"


Sagt eurem König, dass William Wallace sich nie beherrschen lässt, noch sonst ein Schotte. Solange ich lebe!


Stephen zu William: "Das soll William Wallace sein?! Niemals ist das William Wallace, ich bin viel hübscher als dieser Mann!