Martin Amis
Martin Amis

A week after the attack, one is free to taste the bile of its atrocious ingenuity. It is already trite — but stringently necessary — to emphasise that such a mise en scène would have embarrassed a studio executive's storyboard or a thriller-writer's notebook ("What happened today was not credible," were the wooden words of Tom Clancy, the author of The Sum of All Fears). And yet in broad

daylight and full consciousness that outline became established reality: a score or so of Stanley knives produced two million tons of rubble.


(About Prince) I recently met him, he's a Jehovah's witness, right? The first thing i said to him was "omigaaawdifuckinloveyourmusic". He looked at me with that look of his and said very softly 'uh, you have to pray that you can ban swearing out of your live, otherwise you can never please the lord" Me : I'll fuckin' try!, followed with 'did i fuckin' curse?' in which he responded "yeah, you

fuckin' did".(laughs) Okay that last part I made up, but he was very serious about it. So i thought, my god, this is the guy from "Head" and from "Darling Nikki" who is mastrubating in the lobby from a hotel. In his studio he even has a curseing jar, everybody that swear has to put a $50 into it. I was speechless, and let me tell you, that does not happen to me alot. But, he is and stays a genius.

Karel Appel
Karel Appel

My work is in a complete transformation. Lately, in my studio in Amsterdam, 'beings' re-emerge more and more, but I have repainted all the canvases that I have brought with me [from Amsterdam to Paris]. It is matter itself. On the canvas, no discovery, no personal drama, no submission to a rhythm.... freed from 'Victory Boogiewoogie' [title of the last work of Piet Mondrian, 1944], bepop, bepop,

we free ourselves from rhythm, we are not there yet, but it is coming... Now I paint stains, bigger stains, colours endlessly reapplied one upon the other, I scrape and I put down new stains of colour unto nothing remains but one great plane, concentrated and linked at the same time, suddenly a vivid red or yellow and the canvas and being merge.

Karel Appel
Karel Appel

.. at least fifty [gouaches painted in complete dark], one after another. Then I made a light, a candle, and I picked them up and turned them around, as I couldn't see a top or a bottom. I finished them off as I felt fit, a bit more white or a red spot [in his studio in Amsterdam, in 1947

Fred Astaire
Fred Astaire

We were only together for a part of my career, and for every film we did, I did another three on my own. The studio was working me too hard. Fred would rush off for a holiday and call me and say: "Hey, ready to do another?" And I didn't have the sense to say that I was too tired. Those times were murder for me. Oh, I adored Mr. A but all the hard work… the 5 a. m. calls, the months of non-stop

dancing, singing and acting. We just worked it out and had a lot of fun and got very exhausted. And Mr A was quite divine.

Bill Bailey
Bill Bailey

God, I'm in the same studio as de Burgh! He may have stood right where I'm standing now… and just thought his mad thoughts. Like "I am brilliant."

John Bain
John Bain

It is a wasted concept [by] a studio that evidently does not have the talent necessary to create something of this complexity, and my god did they screw it up! This is this year's Revelations 2012! And more to the point—it's even got a Revelations 2012 armgun! It's—[beat]—god…! It is…just…horrendously bad!

John Bain
John Bain

Critique exists to protect consumers from unscrupulous companies, and is a necessary part of our society. Wild Games Studio disagrees.

Children of Men
Children of Men

Hier aus dem Studio bei Radio Avalon sieht der Nachmittag gut aus. Und jetzt etwas für alle Nostalgiker da draußen. Ein Hammer aus der Vergangenheit, dem Jahr 2003, der wunderbaren Zeit, als die Menschen noch glaubten, sie hätten eine Zukunft.

Die blonde Versuchung
Die blonde Versuchung

Es gibt 2 Dinge auf der Welt, die mir wichtig sind: meine Tochter und mein Studio. Wenn Sie meinem Studio schaden, bring ich Sie um. Wenn Sie meiner Tochter schaden, werden Sie darum beten, dass ich Sie umbringe.