James Agate
James Agate

The maddest phenomenon in this wholly mad world – that the filming or wirelessing of an event, whether it is the Grand National or an attack in force on the Maginot Line, is held to be of more importance than the event itself.

Josef Albers
Josef Albers

When we are honest – that's my saying – if we are honest then we will reveal ourselves. But we do not have to make an effort to be individualistic, different from others. You see that is the nonsense of the last 15, 20 years [Albers refers here critically to American Abstract Expressionism ]. What is wrong there is that everyone wants to be different from the already different ones. And then

they ended up all alike. And we are tired of that. And the youngsters feel that now. And they don't continue, you see. They see this will not last. These exaggerated performers always speak in the highest dramatic voice. And in order to achieve it get always drunk before you come to action. Sick. It's over. So I'm quite critical against many of my colleagues. It is not their self-expression. What

makes me to be more than my neighbor only when I think I have to say something more than he can. That is self-disclosure. I once gave a talk in Chicago and right in the beginning I said – a lady came to me and said, 'You are against self-expression. And I am mad against you now.

Ilona Andrews
Ilona Andrews

Yes, I'm too mad to punish you right now. We'll talk about it when we get home. Go brush your teeth, comb your hair, put on dry clothes, and get the guns. We're going to Wal-Mart.

Ilona Andrews
Ilona Andrews

Yes, I'm a hermit. Mostly I brood," Mad Rogan said. "Also, I'm very good at wallowing in self-pity. I spend my days steeped in melancholy, looking out the window. Occasionally a single tear quietly rolls down my cheek.

Ilona Andrews
Ilona Andrews

One school of thought says that the best way to handle an issue like this is exposure therapy," Mad Rogan said. "For example, if you're terrified of snakes, repeated handling of them will cure it."
Aha. "I'm not handling your snake.

Ilona Andrews
Ilona Andrews

Who is that?”
Your replacement.”
You replaced me with a shaved poodle?”
He's got mad skills.

Ilona Andrews
Ilona Andrews

Speak to me."
"I hate you."
"Okay." Mad Rogan let go of me. "You're fine.

Ilona Andrews
Ilona Andrews

Maybe I should drive,” Troy said. She knows what she’s doing,” Mad Rogan said. I sniffed. What?” The fragrance of a genuine compliment from Mad Rogan. So rare and sweet.

Ilona Andrews
Ilona Andrews

You replaced me with a shaved poodle?”

He’s got mad skills.”

Derek’s eyebrows crept up.

He can vomit and urinate at the same time and he doesn’t make fun of my car.

Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Aniston

I don't know if I ever really get mad in real life. It's what my shrink was saying to me all those years: You need to get mad! I think rage is so ugly. I just think there's a way to be mad and discuss it.