Martin Amis
Martin Amis

If people have personal conversations about very emotional matters in public, and people reveal parts of their body that were originally kept covered, and pornography is becoming semi-respectable, it makes you think the push for greater freedom and divesting yourself of inhibitions is a real human need. I'm 54, so I'm further back upon the road. We certainly did a fair amount of divesting

ourselves of inhibitions, but there seems to have been a quantum leap in the last half a generation. Maybe we're destined to be freer, but it's taking odd forms, like showing your big gut to all the world and discussing the future of your marriage at a bus stop with 30 people listening in.

Susan Brownell Anthony
Susan Brownell Anthony

Kein Mann ist gut genug, um eine Frau ohne ihre Zustimmung zu regieren.


Um gut zu schreiben, sollten Sie sich als normale Menschen ausdrücken, aber denken Sie wie ein weiser Mann.


Diejenigen, die Kinder gut erziehen, sind mehr zu ehren als diejenigen, die sie hervorbringen, denn diese gaben ihnen nur Leben, jene die Kunst, gut zu leben.

Franz von Assisi
Franz von Assisi

Wie unendlich groß ist es im Himmel einen Vater zu haben! Wie unbegreiflich schön ist es, im Himmel einen Bräutigam zu haben! Wie unvorstellbar gut und tröstlich ist es, einen Bruder zu haben, der sein Leben gibt für seine Schafe und den Vater bittet: Bewahre in deinem Namen, die du mir gegeben hast.

Michael Francis Atiyah
Michael Francis Atiyah

I always want to try to understand why things work. I’m not interested in getting a formula without knowing what it means. I always try to dig behind the scenes, so if I have a formula, I understand why it’s there. And understanding is a very difficult notion.People think mathematics begins when you write down a theorem followed by a proof. That’s not the beginning, that’s the end. For me

the creative place in mathematics comes before you start to put things down on paper, before you try to write a formula. You picture various things, you turn them over in your mind. You’re trying to create, just as a musician is trying to create music, or a poet. There are no rules laid down. You have to do it your own way. But at the end, just as a composer has to put it down on paper, you have

to write things down. But the most important stage is understanding. A proof by itself doesn’t give you understanding. You can have a long proof and no idea at the end of why it works. But to understand why it works, you have to have a kind of gut reaction to the thing. You’ve got to feel it.

David Attenborough
David Attenborough

If you understand about the natural world, we’re a part of the system and you can’t feed lions grass. But because we have the intelligence to choose… But we haven’t got the gut to allow us to be totally vegetarian for a start. You can tell by the shape of our guts and the shape of our teeth that we evolved to be omnivores. We aren't carnivores like lions but neither are we elephants.


Was gut genug getan wurde, ist auch schnell genug getan.


Habe ich meine Rolle gut gespielt? Nun so klatscht Beifall, und schickt uns alle freudig fort!

Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson

Ein Mensch mit Courage ist so gut wie eine Mehrheit.