Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams

Nothing is more essential to the establishment of manners in a State than that all persons employed in places of power and trust must be men of unexceptionable characters.

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams

We cannot suppose that our opposition has made a corrupt and dissipated nation more friendly to America, or created in them a greater respect for the rights of mankind. We can therefore expect a restoration and establishment of our privileges, and a compensation for the injuries we have received, from their want of power, from their fears, and not from their virtues. The unanimity and valor, which

will effect an honorable peace, can render a future contest for our liberties unnecessary. He who has strength to chain down the wolf is a madman if he let him loose without drawing his teeth and paring his nails.

Schāh Walī Allāh ad-Dihlawī
Schāh Walī Allāh ad-Dihlawī

It is the general authority to undertake the establishment of religion through the revival of religious sciences, the establishment of the pillars of Islam, the organization of jihad and its related functions of maintenance of armies, financing the soldiers, and allocation of their rightful portions from the spoils of war, administration of justice, enforcement of [the limits ordained by Allah,

including the punishment for crimes (hudud)], elimination of injustice, and enjoining good and forbidding evil, to be exercised on behalf of the Prophet… It is no mercy to them to stop at intellectually establishing the truth of Religion to them. Rather, true mercy towards them is to compel them so that Faith finds a way to their minds despite themselves. It is like a bitter medicine

administered to a sick man. Moreover, there can be no compulsion without eliminating those who are a source of great harm or aggression, or liquidating their force, and capturing their riches, so as to render them incapable of posing any challenge to Religion. Thus their followers and progeny are able to enter the faith with free and conscious submission… Jihad made it possible for the early

followers of Islam from the Muhajirun and the Ansar to be instrumental in the entry of the Quraysh and the people around them into the fold of Islam. Subsequently, God destined that Mesopotamia and Syria be conquered at their hands. Later on it was through the Muslims of these areas that God made the empires of the Persians and Romans to be subdued. And again, it was through the Muslims of these

newly conquered realms that God actualized the conquests of India, Turkey and Sudan. In this way, the benefits of jihad multiply incessantly, and it becomes, in that respect, similar to creating an endowment, building inns and other kinds of recurring charities.… Jihad is an exercise replete with tremendous benefits for the Muslim community, and it is the instrument of jihad alone that can bring

about their victory.… The supremacy of his Religion over all other religions cannot be realized without jihad and the necessary preparation for it, including the procurement of its instruments. Therefore, if the Prophet’s followers abandon jihad and pursue the tails of cows [that is, become farmers] they will soon be overcome by disgrace, and the people of other religions will overpower them.

Tim Mark Aker
Tim Mark Aker

The result was a historic achievement, the people have risen up against the establishment and said enough is enough. For the last 25 years UKIP and Nigel Farage have been leading the charge to get Britain out of the EU. We have been abused and ridiculed but we fought on regardless. UKIP will continue to go from strength to strength. Locally we will be doing more and more casework as we keep

solving the issues local people face here in Thurrock. Issues that the council are failing to deal with.

Hannes Alfven
Hannes Alfven

The peer review system is satisfactory during quiescent times, but not during a revolution in a discipline such as astrophysics, when the establishment seeks to preserve the status quo.

Saul Alinsky
Saul Alinsky

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins—or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.

Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage

The establishment of "The Times" newspaper is an example, on a large scale, of a manufactory in which the division of labour, both mental and bodily, is admirably illustrated, and in which also the effect of domestic economy is well exemplified. It is scarcely imagined, by the thousands who read that paper in various quarters of the globe, what a scene of organized activity the factory presents

during the whole night, or what a quantity of talent and mechanical skill is put in action for their amusement and information.

Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei
Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei

Jan: "Das Rebellieren ist halt schwieriger geworden. Früher brauhtest du nur zu kiffen und lange Haar zu haben und das Establishment war automatisch gegen dich. Was früher subversiv war, kannste heute im Laden kaufen.

Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei
Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei

Jule: "Ja, aber diese Demos kommen mir oft total sinnlos vor."
Jan: "Ja das rebellieren ist eben schwieriger geworden. Früher brauchtest du nur zu kiffen und lange Haare zu haben. Und, das Establishment automatisch gegen mich. Was früher subversiv war, kannst du heute im Laden kaufen. Che Guevara T-Shirts und Anarcho-Sticker"
Jule: "Ja genau, und deswegen gibt es doch überhaupt

keine Jugendbewegung mehr. Denn alle haben das Gefühl, das war vor uns schon mal da. Und die habens versucht, es hat nicht funktioniert und warum solls bei uns klappen?"
Jan: "Ja, aber. Weißt du, bei den ganzen Revolutionen die`s gegeben hat. Klar, im einzelnen hats vielleicht nicht funktioniert. Aber wichtig ist doch, das die besten Ideen überlebt haben. Genauso ist das bei den privaten

Revolten auch. Das was davon gut ist, das was davon in dir überlebt, das macht dich stärker."
Jule: "Jan, weißt du. Das ich zu dem allen nicht dazu gehöre, das ist überhaupt nicht das Problem. Das Problem ist einfach, das ich nirgendwo etwas sehen kann, woran ich wirklich glaube." ... "Hast du irgend ne Idee was man dagegen tun kann?"