Yochanan Afek
Yochanan Afek

I achieved more than I could dream of in chess and in chess composing.

Alexander Alexandrowitsch Aljechin
Alexander Alexandrowitsch Aljechin

I study chess eight hours a day, on principle.

Alexander Alexandrowitsch Aljechin
Alexander Alexandrowitsch Aljechin

With his death, we have lost a very great chess genius whose like we'll never see again.

Brian Arthur
Brian Arthur

The type of rationality we assume in economics — perfect, logical, deductive rationality — is extremely useful in generating solutions to theoretical problems. But it demands much of human behavior — much more in fact than it can usually deliver. If we were to imagine the vast collection of decision problems economic agents might conceivably deal with as a sea or an ocean, with the easier

problems on top and more complicated ones at increasing depth, then deductive rationality would describe human behavior accurately only within a few feet of the surface. For example, the game Tic-Tac-Toe is simple, and we can readily find a perfectly rational, minimax solution to it. But we do not find rational solutions” at the depth of Checkers; and certainly not at the still modest depths of

Chess and Go.

Maurice Ashley
Maurice Ashley

I see myself more as an ambassador of the game. And I hope to bring chess to a higher level in the United States. Making bigger tournaments, more interesting events. Making it a respectable profession for young people to be able to pursue in the future.

Robert Diggs
Robert Diggs

Die Hip-Hop Chess Federation will Kinder dafür begeistern, Schach zu lernen, Martial Arts zu lernen, HipHop zu lernen. Diese drei verschiedenen Kunstformen sind wunderschön, um Geist und Körper zu formen.

Sergei Karjakin
Sergei Karjakin

Im Internet Chess Club betrug mein Rating vorübergehend 3350 ELO-Punkte.